Replacement Glock barrels

Jon S

May 27, 2018
Erie, CO
Looking to put a threaded barrel in my 19 or 17 or both, what’s your favorite? Might add a compensator or spin a suppressor on it for fun once or twice, but probably just compensator.
Thanks and hope all are having fun!
It you’re looking to attempt to increase accuracy Wilson Combat match grade and Zev Tech optimized match are two great options. If you just want threads and a barrel thats up to par with the oem glock bbl (i’m assuming gen 4) look at Faxon, Lone Wolf, and KKM.
Liked as in past tense? Did that change?
Sorry that was a bit unnecessarily confusing. Sold the gun which had it. No reflection on the barrel. If you'll want their comp, make sure you match thread pitches, they have some funky ones.
