Remington 870 question or any shotgun, about the chamber, can you polish too much?


Aug 31, 2021
Portland, TN
I have a Super Slugger barrel I bought at a estate sale. Why or how they came up with just the barrel I dont know, or any history about the barrel.

I put it in my 870, even used the small screw to pin it to my receiver after tapping it.

The problem arose, it would not eject ANY type of shell after firing it. I replaced the ejector, opened up the ejector slot a wee bit, still would not eject. . In fact I would have to mortar it to spit the shell out and sometimes the ejector would even rip the lip off the base.

Got on the net and found the chamber area may need to be polished, so I used a brake hone to polish the chamber, but only the top portion where the base would be, in fact I polished it so much, the rim is pretty much gone lol but it does eject now. I was hoping the enlarged area was large enough the base could not fire form to it, and it would be able to be extracted. So far this has worked.

My question, could I have enlarged this area too much? I know the base expands and fireforms, but brass bases reduce back to close to its original size and the cheap slug shells made today have steel in the base and they dont always return to normal and the shells stick.

I only spent 50$ on the barrel, and this is another project lol, I just want to make sure I didnt do anything unsafe, I like my eyes. Thanks in advance.
Is there any way you could post pictures of a fired shell and the chamber, hard to tell if you polished it to much without seeing anything