
Right now I'm single stage for everything except 45ACP.
I picked up a LEE 1000 Progressive and have it set up for 45ACP. Its fine for what it is. I got it second hand

I would love a nicer progressive for other pistol ammo, but will likely run all rifle ammo on single stage Rock Chucker for some years to come. I got a free Lyman Spartan press but it's missing the handle, so it is not in operation just yet.
Lee turret for pistol, 300blackout (load for a friend), and 223 if it is for my neighbors higher volume rifle. All my rifle stuff is done on a Forster Co-Ax these days. I used to use the Lee for everything and made fine ammunition, but the coax is a Cadillac.

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I have two, one single stage and a progressive. I use the single for hunting and long range plinking. For pistol and just regular short range plinking i use the progressive.
as does tuk abouve i have several presses. an old lyman, bought in '65 gets the most use heavey and long cases.
a hood and a Harrell's mounted side by side allow a sort of progressive for small cases like br and ppc.
i keep a seater, a sizer, a ring die and usually a bullet puller in the 2 of them, ready to go.


a flick of the wrist on a hand wheel and i pack the double rams for mounting outside.