Redding body die issue?

I can see why you wouldn't need any lube inside the neck if you're not expanding it at all but you're saying you didn't when you did expand? With an expander ball? I know some guys use carbide mandrels that need less lube.
No expander balls, I haven't used one of those for well over 30 years. Carbide mandrels or pin gauges in a custom die. I've tried all sorts of lube inside of necks. Nothing stood out better than a plain old carbon coated neck sized with a bushing only. In some instances I felt lube created inconsistencies. I used to do anything and everything that in theory might be better but I've been on a quest to do as little as possible and so far most things aren't worth doing at least for me anyway.
I leave the expander ball in my FL dies and have no issues with not intentionally lubing the inside of the neck. I do dust necks with graphite lube before seating bullets to prevent weld.
I use a carbide expander ball on most but not all of my dies. I’ve never lubed the inside of case necks. Hasn’t seemed to have a negative effect. I also have never experienced bullet weld. Maybe I’ve been lucky, but I have 20+ year old handloads I’m still shooting in some of my less fired guns, not to mention shooting my milsurps with milsurp ammo that was manufactured long before my 62 year old ass was a twinkle in my fathers eye…