Red Dot


Dec 27, 2019
Is there a Rokslide approved red dot for rifles?

Kicking around ideas for a lever action 30-30 red dot.
For 17 years I had excellent luck with an Eotech. Never lost zero and was bullet proof.
What I found though was the guys who started with Aimpoints preferred them and the guys who had Eotechs preferred those so I think they are both great if those two make your list.
Is there a Rokslide approved red dot for rifles?

Kicking around ideas for a lever action 30-30 red dot.

This is probably the easiest, and cleanest decision of about anything on this forum.

There is no red dot made that compares to Aimpoint in consistent correct function, absolute reliability, and durability. Their least expensive model is better in those aspects than anyone else’s “best”.
I vote Aimpoint. They are hard to beat.
I never turn any of mine off.
Just every year on my birthday throw new batteries in them.
I have an older bushnell red dot and love it.

You gotta decide what size you want. I find 3-5 inch dot to be easiest for me. Have a sig w 1 inch dot and is too small.

A circle w dot in center woukd be nice.
For 17 years I had excellent luck with an Eotech. Never lost zero and was bullet proof.
What I found though was the guys who started with Aimpoints preferred them and the guys who had Eotechs preferred those so I think they are both great if those two make your list.

Eotechs are great, until they aren't. They can exhibit zero shift under temperature changes (or just simply being left on a hot tailgate). The thermal drift can occur in hot or cold, and in my experience is not consistent enough to account for.
Eotechs are great, until they aren't. They can exhibit zero shift under temperature changes (or just simply being left on a hot tailgate). The thermal drift can occur in hot or cold, and in my experience is not consistent enough to account for.
Interesting. My experience was different from yours with the same unit for over 17 years so I can only speak to that. I feel it was heavily used and wore out one rifle with that one on there. Had the chance to switch but if it ain’t broke…
Interesting. My experience was different from yours with the same unit for over 17 years so I can only speak to that. I feel it was heavily used and wore out one rifle with that one on there. Had the chance to switch but if it ain’t broke…

I don't disagree, if it has been working for your uses I wouldn't change. I still have a few on different rifles, but after having some issues in varying weather conditions I began the switch to Aimpoints.
I’ve never had any issues with Aimpoint Micros. They are also very adaptable and can be used on carbines to big bore rifles.

If you have a Winchester 94 it’s pretty easy with a Turnbull dove tail in place of rear spade.

This is a Burris fast fire 3. When I get extra cash it will be swapped out for an aimpoint.
I have ran an Ultradot 30 on my Ruger Super Redhawk .44 for almost 10 years. Yes I know it’s not a rifle but it has withstood thousands of fullhouse loads and I have never adjusted it since the original site in.