Record goat

Great story, but I’d bet a big pile of money that he’ll regret not caping it out and having a mount done. I get that they’re not for everyone and can respect his choice, but that goat is truly a “once in a lifetime” animal.
Great story, but I’d bet a big pile of money that he’ll regret not caping it out and having a mount done. I get that they’re not for everyone and can respect his choice, but that goat is truly a “once in a lifetime” animal.
IDK, the hide didn't look all that great (typical for an Aug. goat in S.E. AK), and if he were ever to decide on a life size, I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to find a much nicer cape.
Heck a goat!! I’m not sure it’ll reach the current record, but man he’s a beast non the less!!

I had 2 potential new record goats sent to me this fall, a potential new #1 archery from Alaska and a potential #2 rifle from BC.

Haven’t seen either one show up on media yet though.
Dang 12” horns, that’s crazy. Good for him. That tag will be harder to get now.

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Beast! That area has been pumping big goats out every year lately. If I remember correctly, a guy I know killed the WR Archery goat and the same year it was broken again not too long after. I can’t remember the timeline exactly but it was back to back crushers killed.