Recommendations for 2nd Career

Might not check all 4 boxes but start your own business. It doesn't happen overnight but if you work hard at it you can get to a point where you can hunt a lot more. It's worked well for me...
41 yo. Been in corporate world since college

Looking for something that offers ALL of the following:

-pays decent money
-does not require going back to school
-can be done remotely from anywhere
-offers freedom to take time off/work when I want

Thanks in advance for any serious ideas, and for any clever and humorous remarks

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Crooked politician......??😁
41 yo. Been in corporate world since college

Looking for something that offers ALL of the following:

-pays decent money
-does not require going back to school
-can be done remotely from anywhere
-offers freedom to take time off/work when I want

Thanks in advance for any serious ideas, and for any clever and humorous remarks

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Depends on what you are qualified for. "In the corporate world" usually implies an executive position, but I've also heard people use it when working at almost any level of a big business because it sounds fancy. What are your credentials, generally?

You also mention not going "back" to school, implying that you did go to school. What was your degree, and in what general area?

I ask the above because only some combination of really special credentials (employment and education) or already having large capital available for investment are going to hit all four of your boxes.

Unless you are already a poker pro demonstrating that you are well into profit.
Governor of Illinois, or US President. No requirements necessary except must be over 35 and natural citizen for US President.
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Sell drugs. It's super flexible and treat it like hunting. Get up early, stay out late and don't tell anyone what or where you are going. Keeps your spots secret!

A kid I work with his brother sells steroids, he’s been doing it since the 90’s. Started out illegally obviously and now works with a scientist and they change the molecules to be one off from what the FDA considers illegal, kind of like that bath salt crap they sold in gas stations. Not sure how that all works but he changes up his recipe every year or so, I think he sells most of it through the internet, I’m not sure details but he makes 40-50 grand a month. First thing I thought when I heard that was hmm you mean I could take September-December off to hunt....
41 yo. Been in corporate world since college

Looking for something that offers ALL of the following:

-pays decent money
-does not require going back to school
-can be done remotely from anywhere
-offers freedom to take time off/work when I want

Thanks in advance for any serious ideas, and for any clever and humorous remarks

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

If you need to solicit advice from strangers on a forum regarding a career move, you probably shouldn’t leave the job you have and stick with corporate welfare
It would require some "school" but a firefighter would be epic. A guy up the street from me is 44 and just went to the fire academy and got hired right out of the gate. He was a little self conscious going back thinking everyone was younger but he smashed all the younger folks and came out with a great job, doing a great service to the community, makes great money (starts at 80k but will make over 100k with overtime) and works 10 days a month. He can easily trade days off and already has scheduled trades so he can have the entire September and October of 2020 to hunt. Pretty damn good and he only had to go to the academy for 6 months plus a year of probation (which he was still making full salary).

Im 37 and it has me seriously considering the move
It would require some "school" but a firefighter would be epic. A guy up the street from me is 44 and just went to the fire academy and got hired right out of the gate. He was a little self conscious going back thinking everyone was younger but he smashed all the younger folks and came out with a great job, doing a great service to the community, makes great money (starts at 80k but will make over 100k with overtime) and works 10 days a month. He can easily trade days off and already has scheduled trades so he can have the entire September and October of 2020 to hunt. Pretty damn good and he only had to go to the academy for 6 months plus a year of probation (which he was still making full salary).

Im 37 and it has me seriously considering the move

805 is SLO

ez to make it work in California. The couple firefighters I know like it. And make it work but most places that have good hunting aren’t paying like ur neck of the woods.
Governor of Illinois, or US President. No requirements necessary expect must be over 35 and natural citizen for US President.

Or son o
It would require some "school" but a firefighter would be epic. A guy up the street from me is 44 and just went to the fire academy and got hired right out of the gate. He was a little self conscious going back thinking everyone was younger but he smashed all the younger folks and came out with a great job, doing a great service to the community, makes great money (starts at 80k but will make over 100k with overtime) and works 10 days a month. He can easily trade days off and already has scheduled trades so he can have the entire September and October of 2020 to hunt. Pretty damn good and he only had to go to the academy for 6 months plus a year of probation (which he was still making full salary).

Im 37 and it has me seriously considering the move

Now to find a way to be a firefighter who can work remotely from anywhere lol. Maybe invent a drone-delivered fire suppression system that you can operate from your beach hut in Tahiti :).
Find yourself a hot 25 year old and do a sponsored travel blog.

Stock trading....Ha...everyones a genius in a market that's up 30% on the year. Look up the hedge funds that actually outperformed the overall market last year....[hint; not many]

I have to say I've seen so many hackers that claim to be experts on the internet its crazy. My buddy bought a steal of a deal house that was in foreclosure...get this....from a Real estate house flipper guru doing seminars in Florida.

My buddy literally bought this scammers house for 60 cents on the dollar on the courthouse steps. Not exactly the guy you should be getting R E advice from.

It would require some "school" but a firefighter would be epic. A guy up the street from me is 44 and just went to the fire academy and got hired right out of the gate. He was a little self conscious going back thinking everyone was younger but he smashed all the younger folks and came out with a great job, doing a great service to the community, makes great money (starts at 80k but will make over 100k with overtime) and works 10 days a month. He can easily trade days off and already has scheduled trades so he can have the entire September and October of 2020 to hunt. Pretty damn good and he only had to go to the academy for 6 months plus a year of probation (which he was still making full salary).

Im 37 and it has me seriously considering the move
I'm currently in the process of making this switch at 30. Really looking forward to wrapping up EMT school (basically a requirement in Colorado) and trying to get into a department.
If you can learn how to write code, software engineering can be done from anywhere. My good friend did his 5 years in the army and then taught himself to properly write code. He works from home in North Carolina but the company he works for is based out of California. Has to travel there once a quarter but totally worth it. Oh and he is Senior Software Engineer and makes $175,000 a year. Not too bad for living in NC.