Received the Vaccine today...

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Jul 30, 2015
Lenexa, KS
A quick google search shows that the vaccine does NOT have stem cells from a fetus in it. When liberals say that conservatives don't believe in science....this is the type of stuff that proves them right.

" the course of research and production, employed cell lines drawn from tissue obtained from two abortions that occurred in the last century."

It's the development of the vaccines that some might find immoral, and thusly, the vaccine itself could be immoral. The Catholic Church has researched this issue and given guidance and (I believe) ultimately recommends that the higher morality is to get the vaccine. But of course parishioners (just like everyone else) can disagree and choose for themselves.

One would think you'd have known the nature of the issue before commenting on it so condemningly.


Aug 14, 2018
My GF and I just moved to rural Tennessee, from MD and CA. We got the first Pfizer shot on Tuesday, took about 20 minutes to drive through, complete info sheet, get our shots, and wait onsite for 15 minutes. Here in Tennessee anyone over the age of 16 is now eligible to get the shot.

We both had soreness at the shot entry point for a few hours, that was it. Have heard that the 2nd shot has more after effects, we will see at the end of April.


Jul 2, 2016

" the course of research and production, employed cell lines drawn from tissue obtained from two abortions that occurred in the last century."

It's the development of the vaccines that some might find immoral, and thusly, the vaccine itself could be immoral. The Catholic Church has researched this issue and given guidance and (I believe) ultimately recommends that the higher morality is to get the vaccine. But of course parishioners (just like everyone else) can disagree and choose for themselves.

One would think you'd have known the nature of the issue before commenting on it so condemningly.
I did look into the nature of the issue, any cells used on these particular vaccines were grown in a labratory. As far as commenting in a condeming manner, yes, the examples of christians completely ignoring science and evidence is common and ridiculous.


Feb 13, 2017
But of course parishioners (just like everyone else) can disagree and choose for themselves.
"At the same time, practical reason makes evident that vaccination is not, as a rule, a moral obligation and that, therefore, it must be voluntary. In any case, from the ethical point of view, the morality of vaccination depends not only on the duty to protect one's own health, but also on the duty to pursue the common good. In the absence of other means to stop or even prevent the epidemic, the common good may recommend vaccination, especially to protect the weakest and most exposed. Those who, however, for reasons of conscience, refuse vaccines produced with cell lines from aborted fetuses, must do their utmost to avoid, by other prophylactic means and appropriate behavior, becoming vehicles for the transmission of the infectious agent. In particular, they must avoid any risk to the health of those who cannot be vaccinated for medical or other reasons, and who are the most vulnerable."

I wonder the % of those refusing for moral reasons or otherwise will follow this piece?


Aug 23, 2018
Got the second moderna shot yesterday. Holy hell. I feel like I have been through the wringer today. Basically I feel like I have the flu. Apparently this is pretty common.
Jul 30, 2015
Lenexa, KS
I did look into the nature of the issue, any cells used on these particular vaccines were grown in a labratory. As far as commenting in a condeming manner, yes, the examples of christians completely ignoring science and evidence is common and ridiculous.

You're wrong.

From North Dakota's health department.

"In various stages of vaccine development and manufacturing, some of the COVID-19 vaccines used cells originally isolated from fetal tissue (often referred to as fetal cells), some of which were originally derived from an aborted fetus"


Jul 2, 2016
You're wrong.

From North Dakota's health department.

"In various stages of vaccine development and manufacturing, some of the COVID-19 vaccines used cells originally isolated from fetal tissue (often referred to as fetal cells), some of which were originally derived from an aborted fetus"

Originally isolated, then grown in a lab. Read the link I posted.


Sep 29, 2014
North Idaho
Because religious fundamentalist beliefs have no place in modern society. If ideas like this are to be prootected under freedom of religion then so should every other ridiculous religious belief out there.
Gotta wonder what the ridiculous 'fundamentalist belief' on preserving innocent en-utero life would mean to you.

I want this thread to stay focused on 'receiving the vaccine' so I'll just let it go and move on.


Jul 2, 2016
Gotta wonder what the ridiculous 'fundamentalist belief' on preserving innocent en-utero life would mean to you.

I want this thread to stay focused on 'receiving the vaccine' so I'll just let it go and move on.

I believe in freedom of choice in all matters but not because a 2000 year old book of fairy tales tells me too. Also, those cells were taken from a voluntary abortion 50 years ago. All the same though, beliefs like this are why I don’t believe any religion should be protected from criticism.


Jul 2, 2016
C'mon man. Libs are the science-driven loons stating that men can bear children and that babies are some fetal tissue mass worthy of eradication up to time of birth.
I read the fetal stem cell stuff too, it's possible that original testing involved that tissue. But to toss out the 'science' crap here as it relates to conservatives is patently unfair.

I'm fairly certain that much of the fake news that is absorbed by conservatives is false flag info put out by liberals themselves to misdirect and discredit them.

I watched ANTIFA bust out the windows of the Whitehouse as everyone else poured in on Jan 6th, and so did millions of others. Just because the media are soulless lying scum doesn't mean that we don't know the truth.

There are wackjobs on both sides of the isle that choose to ignore science, facts and reality. I didn’t watch ANTIFA enter the Capitol though....I was busy working.
Jun 29, 2017
I believe in freedom of choice in all matters but not because a 2000 year old book of fairy tales tells me too. Also, those cells were taken from a voluntary abortion 50 years ago. All the same though, beliefs like this are why I don’t believe any religion should be protected from criticism.
Yes, let’s trade thousands of years of people dedicating their lives to understanding the purpose of human existence for the whims of a generation because iTs A tWo ThOuSaNd YeAr OlD BoOk. Your hubris is embarrassing. Did the human child (fetus) voluntarily sacrifice its life, or was it robbed of its humanity then exterminated because it’s the most vulnerable of human life without a voice? Sounds really familiar to some ideas people had in the 20th century about what constitutes a human being.
P.S. I’m not even a practitioner of any religion, but I can at least appreciate the pursuit of understanding our place in existence and not thinking I am smarter than my ancestors because I live in the present.


Jul 2, 2016
Yes, let’s trade thousands of years of people dedicating their lives to understanding the purpose of human existence for the whims of a generation because iTs A tWo ThOuSaNd YeAr OlD BoOk. Your hubris is embarrassing. Did the human child (fetus) voluntarily sacrifice its life, or was it robbed of its humanity then exterminated because it’s the most vulnerable of human life without a voice? Sounds really familiar to some ideas people had in the 20th century about what constitutes a human being.
P.S. I’m not even a practitioner of any religion, but I can at least appreciate the pursuit of understanding our place in existence and not thinking I am smarter than my ancestors because I live in the present.

Yes...because books telling you that you will burn for eternity, are all about understanding our place in human existence, fake stories to scare people into joining a cult.

Did the human fetus volunteer its life??? Nope.


Jan 13, 2015
Westminster, MD
I got the J&J vaccine 9:00 am Wednesday I’m 43 and in very good health. Post shot I basically went through all stages of COVID in a 24 hour period. I started with scratchy throat about 3 hours later then an ear ache with grand finally of a 102.5 fever horrible chills and sweats for about 2 hours in the night and splitting headache. My headache stopped around 2:00 pm on Thursday and I feel 95% normal today.

I was following a Reddit thread on side effects prior to the shot and the consensus was the healthy you are the harder the JJ hit you.
Jul 30, 2015
Lenexa, KS
Because religious fundamentalist beliefs have no place in modern society. If ideas like this are to be prootected under freedom of religion then so should every other ridiculous religious belief out there.

I was thinking you would explain why you thought it was absurd with science and facts and reason backed into a counter moral argument.

No one is being forced to get the vaccine. So it’s irrelevant if some choose not to based on religious based beliefs doing so would be immoral.

FWIW, I don’t think the belief has to be rooted in religion. It’s perfectly reasonable for an atheist to believe it’s wrong to kill children in the womb.
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