I have a pair of goretex Saloman Hiking boots, soles are nearly flat probably about 10 years old. Never been treated with anything that I remember, still waterproof.
I think that is the first time I have ever heard anyone say that about Saloman. I've gone through two different models (Quest 4d and Ultra Trek) with waterproof treatments right before hunting season (Nixwax in 2015 and Sno Seal in 2016). I wear gators all the time. Both models will soak through on the first couple hours of wet CO high country meadows. They take a long time to dry out too. I love that they are light and how they fit and I really don't need a stiff sole for westslope CO mountains. I was thinking of going to heavy leather boots just to keep my feet dry, but after this thread it doesn't sound like that will help much. Wet feet does get old, especially when the snow comes after a few days of rain during archery season. I must be getting old with talk like that.
[QUOTEI]I think a big issue is whether you have any dirt on them or not. [/QUOTE]
Do you mean people don't clean their boots before they waterproof them? I never heard of that. Or do you mean you never have dirt on your boots when you walk through wet meadows? I never heard of that either.