Razor / v6 / z6 ? Few questions


Mar 10, 2020
While some of this has gotten beat to death, my questions are very specific. Here goes,
Comparing vortex razor hd lht g4i reticle I believe it is 3-15x50, a Zeiss v6 2.5-15x56, and Swarovski z6 2.5-15x56.
1. Ease of use in the eye box. Quickest to get behind.
2. Low light performance
3. Overall image quality

I'm not dialing! Razor is in there because I like that reticle soooo much. I had one (capped turrets, same reticle I think) when the name vortex was the new kid on the block, wondering if the glass has improved? All 3 of these scopes are plenty robust for my purposes. You can see the size and power I'm looking at, and another suggestion is fine, but I'd rather have capped turrets, and the 3 requirements listed above, Particularly if it has a simple un-cluttered floating dot reticle. Longest scope above is the Swarovski @ 14.3".
I know I need to get behind them all, but that means 3 hrs in one direction. It'll happen, but I don't know when, so I'm just doing some homework. If anyone has done a direct comparison with any of these, I'd love to hear about it!
Trijicon Credo 4-16x50

Great for what you’re asking, and I would trust it to hold zero (unlike the ones you’re asking about).
You aren’t going to get any love on those optic choices from this forum….
Check out the scope evaluation threads .
Pretty much SWFA, Maven rs1.2, NF and trijicon is what you will get recommended ..
I use to be a “glass snob” and got tired of chasing zero

Get a credo, have a razor 3-15 went to credo was happy with it, it held zero

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I have read the drop test thread. GOOD info. I asked for opinions which could include something not listed, and got some. I APPRECIATE IT. I have some thoughts.
I've owned nc star, barska, BSA, Simon's, Bushnell, Burris, Red Field, Nikon, Leupold, GPO, Minox, vortex, Schmidt & Bender, Swarovski. Several of most, and I'm sure a few I don't remember. what I don't remember is ever having to "chase zero" with any of them. And I like to shoot. Like I said, I don't dial, course I don't go throwing my guns on the ground either. If I travel with them, which rarely happens, they are in padded cases. I walk to my stands on my property. I just take really good care of my firearms, even in the field. I'm careful when I take a step, I'm careful when I climb. Im careful where I set them down. I ain't knocking the drop testing, it's great info. It's certainly worth considering. But if Swarovski, Leupold, Burris, bushy, etc. simply couldn't hold zero then they wouldn't be in business for very long, or be the favorite of hunting guides who have "x" brand on all their loaner rifles, personal rifles, and is the only brand they recommend. Because they have favorable experience with that brand. I knew a guide- Colorado - rocky mountains- who was using Leupolds like this, and changed to Swarovskis, because they worked better for him and his customers. No tv/Internet endorsement, just a guide using scopes that work well for him.

I understand the arguments. But if I haven't had a scope lose zero in 30 some odd years of hunting and shooting, should I be as concerned about it as others seem to be? Should I settle for a scope with less image quality, and or a a reticle I don't find favorable for hunting because I'm afraid any other scope won't hold zero? And what if one of these scopes that "passes the test" should fail at an inopportune time? I'm not at all being a smart Alec, I'm weighing the question.

Another would be "get nice binoculars," and there are several things wrong with that, but the most important would be you need to identify the animal you PULL THE TRIGGER ON.

My eyes ain't good as they used to be. I appreciate a very good image. I've had 3 Swarovski, great glass, all held zero. Went from a z3-z5- z6, and got rid of that one because I didn't care for the ret. What I can't figure out is how I have well over a hundred deer under my belt, (and countless smaller critters) and have shot .36" groups with my hunting loads, with my scopes considering none have passed the drop test. Ok, that was tongue in cheek, but true.

I will check out the trijicons when I am able to look at the others, but last time I looked through a trijicon, I believe it was a Huron, image quality was worse than any other scope I looked at in the store. -zeiss v4, a random Leupold, z5. It's weird because I think trij is LOW glass, as well as the v4? I remember it was not edge to edge clear, and tunneled really bad.

Thanks again for the suggestions, I really do appreciate it. I'm not arguing with any of them, just thinking it all out loud. Anyway, sorry for asking the question here, should have posted on the stalking directory, prolly easy to understand why they like German glass, since they're on that side of the pond.