Rattle Can Rifle Camo

I just used the krylon outdoor colors and used 2 matte clear coats.

Underneath is a pink muddy girl stock. Too good of a deal to pass for my son!

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Yeah... just the Krylon Ultra-Flat Camo colors... and once you're done and you like it. Matte clearcoat, also from Krylon.

Big thing is make dang sure you've taken your time and taped it off properly for all the places you DON'T want the paint to go to!
Be sure to apply blue masking tape onto your saw horse surfaces, (if you're not hanging the stock from a wire hook that is). It's an easy way to make it a clean surface. This can help prevent the paint from sticking to the saw horse on the side you've already painted. More importantly... give it the full 30-60 minutes in the hot sun before you even attempt to flip the stock over to do the other side. So that the side you just did will be good and dry enough not to have issues with paint on it getting stuck to the saw horses where it makes contact.
I've always wanted to try this and never have. I've done some rattle can jobs on john boats but thats a lot more room for error. When using the sponges, are you applying a 'pool' of paint to a plate etc and then dipping the sponge? Or spraying right onto the sponge? I know I'm over complicating it...its in my nature.
I'm no artist. This is a lefty 223ai, 8 twist pacnor mtn contour, coyote calling rig.
I've always wanted to try this and never have. I've done some rattle can jobs on john boats but thats a lot more room for error. When using the sponges, are you applying a 'pool' of paint to a plate etc and then dipping the sponge? Or spraying right onto the sponge? I know I'm over complicating it...its in my nature.
I got a good base coat on after taping any areas that I didn't want painted. Bolt body, scope details, etc did not get paint. Then reassembled and sprayed paint on a paper plate and sponged off of that. Then a couple of coats of clearcoat. Holding up great.
I’ve done a couple in camo, one night I was tinkering in the garage, ended up with an American flag ghosted onto a model 7. I was copying the Glock flag version just for giggles. I’ve been studying up on a cheap hydro dip setup, I may test that out.

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This is an older 8 twist .223 T3 that I bought many years ago and traded to a friend a number of years back. It has accounted for a good number of dogs, both camouflaged and in its original form.

It was 10 below the morning this dog was taken. The thing froze stiff pretty quick.



Some more .223 dogs
