Raise your hand if you did not get an elk this season

Why am I not surprised at the 'laugh' emoji?
Oh because i dont think that bull was injured beyond healing. I tracked it for 7 hours, the blood became sparse, dried up, and went away, and i recovered the broken arrow. All that broke off was the arrow head and an insert, a total of about 1 3/4" of material. As such, im about 98% sure that arrow connected with solid bone. For a bull elk a solid hit on the bone isnt going to be deadly. I considered my tag punched after hitting that bull for the season anyway, incase for some 1/1000 chance infection overtook the bull at a later date. Gotta roll with those punches and im done crying over it, gotta look to next year and have confidence that bull will live to see another day after encountering me.

I thought you were being funny about the bull being the one with the limp in a literal sense, and i agreed the bull did likely have a limp for a bit. If it was just a call out then i hope you never experience making a shot that doesnt go as planned.
... If it was just a call out then i hope you never experience making a shot that doesnt go as planned.
Yeah, I haven't experienced it yet that I know of--thankfully. But sh t happens, it comes with hunting; you did your diligence looking for him.
I really hope you get another shot at him next year and seal the deal.

Not trying to be an a-hole, simply commenting out of the respect for that animal out there--that is paramount. Just imagine if we had to endure a broadhead in a hip or shoulder over the next year.
Yeah, I haven't experienced it yet that I know of--thankfully. But sh t happens, it comes with hunting; you did your diligence looking for him.
I really hope you get another shot at him next year and seal the deal.

Not trying to be an a-hole, simply commenting out of the respect for that animal out there--that is paramount. Just imagine if we had to endure a broadhead in a hip or shoulder over the next year.
Yea for sure, trust me, not a day goes by i dont re-live that moment and the sinking feeling when i heard that impact on the unseen twig. I actually am very hopeful , assuming he survives the rifle seasons, that he will be there to hunt next year and my intention is to go hunt him in his areas for sure. I'd like to wrap that bad taste up and finish the job, that was actually my first bad shot with a bow and its a pretty awful feeling.
Hunted hard for 5 solid days in New Mexico with a quality outfitter and No competition. Been there twice before with much success but this time ZERO opportunity...... RIFLE !!!!!!! Couldn't believe it!!!!!!!
The day I was planning to leave for my first elk hunt. My son was born 7 weeks early. Him and momma are doing great. He’s a healthy growing boy, hopefully I draw again next year.


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I'll throw in also.

This year and last year. But at least I have an excuse.

I'm not good enough at this elk huntin' stuff yet! :ROFLMAO:
I'll raise my ✋and can also do so for 2019 and 2020.

And I'm 100% okay with my failures as I've got the hell from in front of the PC (I am in IT so I do have to be here some), learned lots and I'll get there in all due time. I love the journey as much as the destination.

No elk for me bow hunting Montana. I did most of the calling for my two son's and I and we mostly hunted together, because of the grizzlies. My one son shot a 5X5 and my other son had two shots. I had my chances and I called a big herd bull away from his cows and he came in screaming to twenty yards and none of us could get a decent shot before he got our wind. After that encounter it was hard for me to shoot a small bull.
No elk for me on this years bow hunt and my unit has been on a steady decline for several years. Thought I could overcome the low numbers with 30+ years of knowledge in the unit but after 19 days this year, that's the last time I'll be hunting there. Just hard to leave a unit where we had several hot spots but with the dramatic lack of sign as well as sightings, I need to reluctantly venture to new territory.
First time chasing elk. Managed to call one into ten yards, but he came in totally silent (except for two initial bugles that were far, far away). I ended up giving up on my cow calling, but let another one out just to have a 6x6 explode literally right behind me. Lesson learned, never give up and always be ready.

Edited to add: there's nothing like looking over your shoulder without an arrow nocked and seeing a confused herd bull looking for lady elk. Feel like I put a good amount of the pieces together and I'm closing in on having a full puzzle soon.
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1st time elk hunting in Colorado OTC. Saw a lot but no bulls close. Learning curve was huge and more importantly had a great time. Tag soup this year
Close but no prize. This season still proved to be the most fun and exciting for me despite not getting one
No bulls for me this season due to stupidity on my part. Woke up a bit late and had to scramble to get into my spot by daylight. I knew I had a bit of a hike so I lightened my pack by removing some of the "non-essential" equipment the night before.

At daylight I did my first call set-up and quickly had a bachelor group of 5 bulls ranging from 20-40 yards from me. I focused in on a decent 5 point and when I went to clip my release on the string...quickly realized that in my rush had left it at the truck. No problem...I always have a spare release in my pack, BUT...it was among the "non-essential" equipment I removed the night before. I decided to attempt a fingers shot...which I have not done since my youth and managed to successfully shoot a very nice tamarack tree just right of my aim point.

You can guarantee that all my "non-essential" equipment is now back in my pack and I will be spending some time practicing shooting with fingers because...you just never know. I had a few more encounters over the season, but none that panned out.

Tag Soup for me this year.