Radio communications advice?

Sep 3, 2014
Sabinal, TX
I’m toying with the idea of trying some sort of radio communications but I know NOTHING about it. I can see where a radio could be useful for guy behind a spotter to help a buddy that’s trying to get above a distant animal; but I also could see some electronic communications to be useful when I’m predator hunting with a partner. There are many times where I wish I could whisper something to one of my calling partners but they’re sitting 40yds from me, watching a different approach.

What are my options? Do I still need to toggle a button to speak or are things sound-activated these days? I would prefer something very discreet for calling. Something like an earpiece with a small microphone connected.

Any advice would be appreciated.

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First off check your state regulations as some do not allow radios to be used to aid in taking game.

That said, most 2 way radios can be equipped with an ear piece and mic. Some all you need to do is start whispering and it will automatically open the channel. Others, you need to push a button.
First off check your state regulations as some do not allow radios to be used to aid in taking game.

That said, most 2 way radios can be equipped with an ear piece and mic. Some all you need to do is start whispering and it will automatically open the channel. Others, you need to push a button.

Thanks! At lease here at home in Texas we don’t have any of those silly rules to contend with. I’ll look around.

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There's a lot of ways to answer this, first and foremost the advice given above regarding using radios in the pursuit of game in different states.

The simplest answer is probably FRS/GMRS radios. They're cheap, and easy. You're supposed to get a license for GMRS, but nobody does. The feature you are describing - not having to push a button to talk, is called VOX, which stands for "voice operated exchange". Be aware that while it sounds cool and easy, everything that is as loud as your voice will trigger it. I believe that a number of GMRS radios have it.

All that said, another solution is to buy some cheap baofeng UV5R radios that come with mics, long antennas, etc, and program them for GMRS frequencies. You can buy a set of 6 of these for $200 on amazon or about $40 a piece with mics, earpieces, longer antennas, etc.

That's a start. This can become a large can of worms.
I went with the baofeng UV5R option and have never looked back. I use it for both communicating on the island I live on with my wife if I am hunting(for emergencies) and I carry it on my skiff(for emergencies) so I can access marine channels. Now be very careful because these radios are illegal for use, outside of an emergency, without a CB license technically and the FCC can fine you. The reason is that they are very powerful compared to like your Walmart radio which broadcast on FRS/GMRS. These radios can be programmed to broadcast on frs/gmrs frequencies to communicate with these cheap radios but they can easily overpower all those style of radios in a very large area. That being said in rural Alaska, where I am, tons of people use them and I have never heard of it being a problem just be careful you do not start open transmitting on like Marine 16 or coast guard stations. Do yourself a favor and buy a programming cable too so you can easily set one up with your own stations. I know thousands of hunters in the lower 48 use them and to just carefully pick a station to use way in the weeds which is in the public broadcast frequencies. I have only really heard of people getting in trouble if they start messing around on repeaters or messing around on stations which are not for public use. Its one of those laws which is on the books but is not enforced at all, its only really enforced when people abuse it or do something really stupid is my understanding. If you do get one, watch some videos and do some reading so you understand how to use them in such a way where no one will care. Not advocating you do break the law but before you go buy a boafeng just be aware of the laws surrounding it and make an informed decision.
Yeah for me personally I would not use one for actually hunting in on an animal even if it was legal. Just person hunting ethics.
FYI, VHF radios are line of sight. Works great on the ocean, but not so good in the mountains unless both are standing on the top. Basically VHF radios have the distance of 1.415 miles * the square root of your antenna height. So yes you can have several miles if you carry a 20 foot tall antenna with you.
FYI, VHF radios are line of sight. Works great on the ocean, but not so good in the mountains unless both are standing on the top. Basically VHF radios have the distance of 1.415 miles * the square root of your antenna height. So yes you can have several miles if you carry a 20 foot tall antenna with you.

VHF is not entirely line of sight, there is some non line of sight signal that does slightly bend around the curvature of the earth. The signal can also bounce off of canyon walls and refract off of mountain tops. I find VHF great in the mountains!
VHF is not entirely line of sight, there is some non line of sight signal that does slightly bend around the curvature of the earth. The signal can also bounce off of canyon walls and refract off of mountain tops. I find VHF great in the mountains!

Yeah in my experience a lot of times I am carrying it so I can get a hold of a passing boat in case of an emergency. I don’t think if I crossed over the mountains on my island I could get ahold of my wife back in camp. If I go to the island across from us I can hail her from the north side but that is line of sight.

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