

Feb 24, 2012
Salem, OR
I am in need of a new quiver. Is there anything really worth looking at in place of a tight spot quiver? I really would rather not spend $100+ on one but if nothing comes close I may just do it and get it out of the way.
You get what you pay for, unfortunately I think the same goes for quivers

Any of the higher end, better quality quivers are going to be priced pretty similarly. Used?
Ya I can get one for about $100 new. I have a friend that has an archery shop.

That's a good price for a really good quiver. One thing I like about mine is I bought an extra bracket and now only need 1 quiver for both of my bows. Only other quiver id consider would be the new hoyt quivers, they are pretty nice from the limited experience iv had playing with them. Those will run you quite a bit though too.
I've never needed a warranty for a quiver. I like a simple two piece quiver. I've been using the Trophy Ridge and have not had any problems... and it's under $100. Ed F
I personally do not like the Tight Spot. I am not a fan of the one piece.

Hoyt and Fuse also make good two piece quivers. The new Hoyt adjusts as close to the bow as you want it like the Tight Spot. I shoot the Hoyt's but have some of the older Fuses also. Like both...
My 2 favorites are the TightSpot & any of the Hoyt/Fuse quivers...Kinda depends on the brand of bow I'm shooting at the time, if it's a Hoyt more than likely it'll have a Hoyt/Fuse on it, if it's any other brand it normally ends up with a TightSpot on it.
I have the Tightspot and am not that impressed with it. I think I like the 2-piece Hoyt more, but have not tried the newest Hoyt quivers. I really think I like the 2-piece quivers a tad more, but couldn't tell you why.
So I am shooting a Hoyt Maxxis 35 right now, I made the mistake the other day of going into the shop and shooting the Spyder 34, I didn't think I would like it, but I went back again today and shot it again. Still like it. But maybe some of you guys who have bought new Spyders can answer this, I noticed the holes on the riser for mounting the quiver were different shaped than the older Hoyts...Alphamax, Maxxis etc. I have a Fuse Ventera quiver I really like. Do they make an adapter to run this 2 piece on a Spyder or do you have to buy a whole new Quiver too?
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OR, whole new quiver is needed, unless you can find the quiver mounts from the quivers that had triangle mounts @ the riser and hex mounts towards the quiver... Hope that makes sense, but I think they were 2011 and 2012 hoyt quivers that came with those type mounts
LOL my Maxxis is a 2010. I haven't been able to hunt alot the last couple years due to work travel and haven't looked at any 2011 or 2012 models at all. You would think that they would make adapters to make them fit. Oh well... Thx Juan
I have a tight spot and like the quiver. I don't think it is the greatest quiver ever built like a lot of guys. It's ok, not worth the retail price IMO. The nicest feature is the adjustable arrow holders so you can set the tension on them how you like.

I have always used a one piece quiver as I like it off in the tree stand. I have always shot with both the quiver on the bow and off the bow. I have yet to have a quiver, even when full of arrows, change my POI enough to worry about. Have also never had one change the balance of the bow so much that it bothered me. I actually prefer the Alpine Soft Loc or Octane bantam weight over the Tight Spot. I won't buy another one.