Quiver and other questions


Nov 18, 2015
Bozeman MT
I'm going to Montana state for college in the fall and started to really get into archery.. What's a good quiver? I like the tight spot but don't want to spend that much.. Is it really that much better than others? also Im interested in a single pin does anyone have experience with the spot Hogg fast Eddie in the backcountry? Is it durable? Should I save up and invest in a more expensive sight? Any input will help thanks
Tightspot is that much better yes. The adjustability of the Tightspot isnt seen in any other quivers on the market. Plus the unconditional lifetime warranty is a addition.

The Fast Eddy is a nice sight. I however recommend the Tommy Hogg over it. Its just a more bullet proof sight than the Fast Eddy. The Tommy Hogg isnt much more expensive than the Fast Eddy either.
Tight spot is that much better, and just down the road from you in Belgrade. I like Montana Black Gold sights (in Bozeman), but shoot a 5 pin so can't really help much. Extreme archery off Bridger Dr is a pretty good shop that would probably let you shoot a few different sights so you could compare them and see what you like.
IM off the beaten path a bit and picked up a Octane Deadlock Pro Quiver that not only ultralight but also very stable and easily adjustable quiver. at 80$ its a great alternative to the tightspot at least from the research ive done.

Site is a personal preference. I am a huge fan of the Axcel Armortech sites. Youll get all kinds of responses on the site as there are many features that become a matter of preference.

Id say go with what you can afford and upgrade as you figure out whatever you buy doesnt work or keep it if it does.
Tight spot is that much better, and just down the road from you in Belgrade. I like Montana Black Gold sights (in Bozeman), but shoot a 5 pin so can't really help much. Extreme archery off Bridger Dr is a pretty good shop that would probably let you shoot a few different sights so you could compare them and see what you like.

I'm gonna look into black gold love it that they will be so local to me
Octane deadlock pro is a solid choice for a quiver.

I have a fast Eddie. Great sight, I don't think you would regret it. The new XL looks good but it's not a lot lighter than a Hogg father. I put a 5 pin head on mine.
If you're interested in black gold you can't go wrong there either.
I just received my MBG revenge sight and ordered a tight spot quiver. I have all the adjustment options with that sight. The lens in the front is what sold me. It adjust to the sun so you don't get starburst effect on your pins
Just get a kwikee and be done with it.

All these other quivers are nice and I certainly see the appeal in them, especially the tightspot, but good lord how can you justify that kind of money on a quiver? I guarantee a kwikee will do everything you need it to, and you can use the extra cash saved to put elsewhere on your rig.
I really like my tightspot. It comes off so quick and easy when I'm in a spot n stalk situation and it's a little too breezy for a shot with it on. I'm a big fan of the Tommy Hogg because I've had it 3+ years with A LOT of abuse on it. Never have had a problem with it other than my white round guard sticker that came off. Sport Hogg sent me another one no questions asked. They are built like a tank!