Quitting Alcohol

That's great, good for you. I suspect at your age you won't ever develop an issue with it either, so that's good.

It's crazy, when you're young they don't tell you...or hell even most adults don't get it, that alcohol is an addictive substance to humans. It physically changes your brain. If I could go back in time and never drink when I was young, maybe then it'd be easier to enjoy an occasional drink now, but.... would I even want to?

Thanks for the podcast recommendation, fascinating and everyone should listen to it. To the above poster saying he wants to give it up by 40th birthday....listen to Huberman podcast linked in this thread and check out the book/podcast The Naked Mind, also fascinating!
Too bad that over-drinking can become such a problem for some, and I've always thought of it in relation to overeating which doesn't get as much focus by most for obvious reasons. Still, they're both not a problem if a person can control how much they do of either, but unfortunately, more easily said than done.

That all said, it's much easier to control a problematic issue at the outset than it is after the habit has become set and I'm so glad that I never cared about peer pressure when I was in my teens and twenties in regard to drug and alcohol use, because there sure was a lot of it at times.
9-1/2 years sober. One day at a time.
Things that worked for me were:
Don’t hang out in bars.
Don’t be around people that over indulge.
Pick up new interests and hobbies so you can stay busy… in other words… stay busy.
Don’t ever think of it as a have to, think of it as a get to.
I’m not a drinker because I can’t drink, I could have a drink anytime I want. I choose not to because I want to not drink.
I just finished up 3 days an an annual industry trade show for work. I’ve gone maybe 12 years in a row. In the truck equipment industry it’s typically night after night of hardcore drinking. Coworker, all drinking to excess. Customers, same thing. Drink all night then stand in a trade shoe booth hung over by day. I was always right in the mix. It was miserable.

This year is the first where I didn’t drink. I woke up each morning and hit the hotel gym, something that was laughable when I’d travel for work, which is often. We did nice dinners and I’d go sit at the bar with the others and had a few NA beers or a club soda and lime. I was in my room watching TV by 8:30-9:00 each night. I got 7-8 hours of sleep, woke up without rot gut, had a good breakfast, and go figure, dealing with work was easy. It sounds like a no-brainer thing to non-drinkers but it was profound to me.

Almost 7 months in and I still feel like I’m on an island in my social circles. People don’t care that I don’t drink and I often get sincere “good for you” remarks. But it still feels like some large part of an old me is missing, I guess cuz it is. I get embarrassed when I think about how much time I wasted feeling like crap all the time. I feel like I’ve dodged a bullet every day now.
As a 48 yo largely non drinker (i’ll have a beer or a glass of wine once in awhile) i am shocked at how many people have issues with drinking. It just never appealed to me and it never bothered me when friends sorta push it on you, “come on man don’t be a prude have another”, that sorta thing. So i’ve lived my life without the, imo opinion, negative influences of alcohol.

This thread though is eye opening. Just want to say best of luck to all you guys out there looking to kick the habit if it’s become an issue in your life.
That's awesome. You certainly haven't missed out on anything.
Too bad that over-drinking can become such a problem for some, and I've always thought of it in relation to overeating which doesn't get as much focus by most for obvious reasons. Still, they're both not a problem if a person can control how much they do of either, but unfortunately, more easily said than done.

That all said, it's much easier to control a problematic issue at the outset than it is after the habit has become set and I'm so glad that I never cared about peer pressure when I was in my teens and twenties in regard to drug and alcohol use, because there sure was a lot of it at times.
Well, food is an absolute necessity. You will die without it. Therefore, it has an irrefutable benefit.

Alcohol is an absolute unnecessity. You will not die without it; in fact, your health will more than likely benefit without it. There is no benefit from it.

That being said, I agree that I don't think it--or its consumption--is inherently a problem. But if it's not a problem, what is it? It certainly serve no purpose other than distortion of your perception of reality. If this is the metric, why not a little heroin? If you can control how much you use, would it also not be a problem?
Just wanted to say thank you to everyone on here who positively posted on here. I've come to this thread often as I stopped drinking Jan 1. To be honest, I have really slowed down my drinking the past couple of years but still turned it up at camp trips and various events. Was so sick of the 2-3 day hangovers and eating like crap to try to make myself feel better (which it never did). Finally made the decision to stop. Didn't make a forecast of I won't drink until a certain date. I just say that need to get my body right then reassess. FYI: I have a knee surgery on March 31st. My mobility has been limited for about a year now and that's a major stress in my life.

I'm scared for the upcoming spring turkey camp, and the many different rafting, camping trips we have planned. But as someone stated above, take one day at a time. Never knew what that really meant until now.

I won't say that I will go forever without having another drink, but I am enjoying myself more now. I'm a better husband, father, and have a lot more patience and happiness than when I drank.

So, in all seriousness, thank you!
I'm scared for the upcoming spring turkey camp, and the many different rafting, camping trips we have planned.

I won't say that I will go forever without having another drink, but I am enjoying myself more now.
Good luck on the trips, and with your friends help, everything should be okay, even more than okay. Share with them what it is you're trying to accomplish and they'll be your support group.
I was at the bar, hammered… and said I was going to quit drinking, half jokingly. My friend (at the time) told me I couldn’t. He said I wouldn’t be able to quit. That was July 7, 2013. Not a drop since he said that. I should really call him and tell him “Thank You” for pushing me towards one of the best decisions I have ever made. So many of my old drinking buddies are no longer here. My brother literally drank himself to death 4 years ago. Some of my old drinking buddies call me up and invite me on fishing trips still. I think they like having me there so they have an excuse to not “go hard.” For me… I just don’t like being told what I can and can’t do.
By the grace of god I was able to make it to 5 years sober yesterday. I didn’t stop when I got to rock bottom, my rock bottom had a basement to it. I had lost my wife, kids, job and respect for my myself. I am happier today then Ive ever been in my life. I get to go to work, I get to coach my kids in sports and I get to go hunting when time allows. Life is so much better with a clear head. Life isn’t always the best but I don’t have to have a drink to deal with it. One day at a Time!!

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As a 48 yo largely non drinker (i’ll have a beer or a glass of wine once in awhile) i am shocked at how many people have issues with drinking. It just never appealed to me and it never bothered me when friends sorta push it on you, “come on man don’t be a prude have another”, that sorta thing. So i’ve lived my life without the, imo opinion, negative influences of alcohol.
I was pretty lucky in grade school when we started getting a case of beer on Friday night and I soon realized that I didn't like the taste or what it made me feel like. I can enjoy a little bit of a buzz now and then, but all my life now and then has months in between sometimes, and I never liked getting drunk.

Most of my pain from alcohol has been losing friends who couldn't self-monitor their intake and regularity of drinking. Falling down stupid every damn night?? Not for me, not even occasionally.
Just passed 7 months a few days ago. I’m on vacation with the family in Costa Rica and it’s awesome waking up early to go do nature excursions and other fun things without having a hangover. We walked and bought some groceries and they had some Costs Rican Imperial Cero beer, their NA option. I bought a few of those and they’re delicious. Typically on past vacations drinking would be a main focus which is really pathetic to think about.

I’d say up until 6 months or so I’d think about drinking quite a bit. Not so much craving it, but I’d think about it. Lately I’ve noticed that has mostly subsided.

I frequently return to this thread and I’m glad it’s still going! It has been a huge help.
While I have not quit, I have turned the dial back to barely a simmer. The benefit has been eye opening. The last year or so I have become so much happier without it and while I won’t likely ever quit 100% I can definitely say it doesn’t influence my life like it once did. Cheers to all those that have kicked the habit or found that healthy place where it fits in their lives