Quick Tips Archery Elk

Feb 27, 2012
Tijeras NM
Anyone have any last minute tips? Archery elk is coming soon!

Here's 1 that has plagued me more than once. And I believe it's happened in the time it takes my brain to process what's suddenly playing out.

Be ready to take quick shots. Oft times the encounters seemingly happen out of nowhere. Just because you have an arrow nocked, doesn't mean you are ready at times. Be ready to read what's happening and be able to act on it. Without rushing the shot.

Anyone else have anything?
On the sort of the same note as trophyhill, take the first shot that you know you can make, that is a good ethical shot, within your capabilities. Example; he is broad side at 45 yards in a little clearing but he walking straight to a wallow to your left a 30 yards. One little swirl of wind and he never makes it to the 30 yard wallow. Last thing you want is to go through years of missed opportunities. You had him at 45 yards broad side!
Look for shooting windows ahead as the elk is walking towards you.
Be prepared that the elk could take a step or two before stopping when call to it.
This. One of the biggest bills I've got close to got away last season. Just walked right through my opening. Also use the nervous grunt as loud as u can instead of Cow calls they are just way to nonchalant
Along the same lines, if you are calling, be ready. I’ve missed more opportunities because bulls got way too close way too quick than any other reason. Hitting those mid morning/day ridge walking cow calls and they come in silent, by the time you hear the first twig snap it’s too late unless you are knocked, release on the string!
Lay off the shitty shots. It's a lot easier to go back to camp and relive the missed opportunity with a cold one in hand vs searching up and down hills all day, followed by days of moping around. Slam dunk shots = Slam dunk recoveries.
Stop elk, especially the ones coming into calls. I had a bull coming into calling a few years ago that was standing in front of a blowdown a down as still as a statue at 25 yards. At the moment my shot was breaking, he leapt over that blow down in a fraction of a second like a gazelle. I completely missed him, thankfully. Almost clipped his pecker on the way by.

The lesson for me was to always stop them. He would have eaten that arrow if I’d given him a mew or a nervous grunt.

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Anyone have any last minute tips? Archery elk is coming soon!

Here's 1 that has plagued me more than once. And I believe it's happened in the time it takes my brain to process what's suddenly playing out.

Be ready to take quick shots. Oft times the encounters seemingly happen out of nowhere. Just because you have an arrow nocked, doesn't mean you are ready at times. Be ready to read what's happening and be able to act on it. Without rushing the shot.

Anyone else have anything?
Practice drawing and shooting fast, under 2 sec.
bow never is strapped to a pack unless tag is filled. Also if you have one animal down, be ready for a second bull very nearby. We had a bull screaming 100yards from a kill site that we never even stopped to call at even with an unfilled tag. Stupid.
Some bulls will be hesitant to come in and others will damn near run you over if you don't stop them. Especially if you have someone behind you calling. Be ready.
I agree with the act fast in situations but i wanna follow it up .... dont take a "half decent shot" in a hurry.... slow down in the moment and try to make sure you make a great shot. It's been said, and it should be said again having lived it myself as well, you want that elk dead in less than 100 yards.... you dont wanna spend days searching and then find it with spoiled meat, that sh@t sucks, dont put yourself in that situation. Just dont take the "well maybe" shot. It isnt worth it. A tiny bit of patience in the moment can pay dividends.

If you got an amazing shot happening in the moment fast, take it.
Stop elk, especially the ones coming into calls. I had a bull coming into calling a few years ago that was standing in front of a blowdown a down as still as a statue at 25 yards. At the moment my shot was breaking, he leapt over that blow down in a fraction of a second like a gazelle. I completely missed him, thankfully. Almost clipped his pecker on the way by.

The lesson for me was to always stop them. He would have eaten that arrow if I’d given him a mew or a nervous grunt.

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I have literally the same exact story. It was a giant bull too…ugh
1. After the shot mark your spot and the bulls spot with flagging tape. 2. Bugle and cow call several times. 3. Sit down and listen for anything and everything. 4. Replay the shot several times the mind can play tricks on how good you want it to be. 5. Sit at least 30 minutes no matter how hard it is unless you see the elk ☠️. 6. Use your nostrils to smell him. 7. When you begin to track mark everything blood 🩸 track etc with flagging tape. 8. Listen hard as your tracking. 9. Do not step ahead when tracking stay to the side. 10. Not all blood sign will be on the ground, look on things above ground. 11. If a follow up shot is presented take it. 12. Don’t rush things if you run out of blood 🩸 go back to the last spot and look again and again and again. If nothing further start your grid and circles. If nothing follow your flagging tape line and continue to listen. Good luck and elk are super tough with a huge will to survive IF the shot is not good.