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I was glad to see that Attack pants are now available in tall sizes...bought 2 pairs right away. Curious if they plan to do that with the other pants? I know the other pants can be let out, but its kind of pain.
Intrigued by the thought of a wind-layer vest option. Like the idea of the still-breathable & lightweight Peleton 240 Vest. How does the fleece bonding technology compare to a full-on wind laminate?

Any chance of seeing an ultralight rain set in the 7-8oz each range like old Ultra NX anytime in the future?
Any chance of pants coming back to the Kenai line?

Any chance of a smaller bino case for 8x32's etc? (Even with the foam inserts they dont mesh well)

When will we see a 3rd belt size for the Backpsck waist belts? A medium to slot in between the 2 existing sizes, with 32 in the middle of the adjustment range, not at the extreme ends of the range.
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Any chance of pants coming back to the Kenai line?

Any chance of a smaller bino case for 8x32's etc? (Even with the foam inserts they dont mesh well)

When will we see a 3rd belt size for the belts? A medium to slot in between the 2 existing sizes, with 32 in the middle of the adjustment range, not at the extreme ends of the range.

Most buy the large and cut it down to size and preference.
Most buy the large and cut it down to size and preference.

Your post had me scratching my head for a second, until I read my post again. Sorry, poor writing on my part. I was referencing the Waist Belts for the backpacks, not the belt for the pants.... I'm assuming that's what you were saying can be cut down???
Question on differences in breathability of the different laminates. Kutana vs chugach rain gear.
Your post had me scratching my head for a second, until I read my post again. Sorry, poor writing on my part. I was referencing the Waist Belts for the backpacks, not the belt for the pants.... I'm assuming that's what you were saying can be cut down???

Yes, I was referring to the belt for pants, sorry about that.
Would Kuiu consider making the rear pole for the summit star 1p tent a two piece connected by elastic. This way the pole could be separated and left in the location pouches when packed.

I would also like to see the main zip finished off in say a six inch semi-circle at the top so that when it is opened from the top it would flap open some. To me those 2 alterations would make a great little tent perfect.
When will we see a new camo pattern? If kuiu offered asat those of us that were left out in the cold by FL would have a new favorite clothing line! Maybe woodland green and brown instead of woodland gray and white (VIAS)?
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On the gale force system, how loud is the material and how breathable is the material. Not much on their website on that line right now. But would this be something a bow hunter would use for a stand in bad weather? Would this be something a mountain elk hunter would use as far as breathability?

Would this line be something useable by a downhill skier?

Always looking for some cross use in my clothes and they do offer the gale force in solid color.
Hey now Dont go messing with the sizes. Finding hunting clothes in size small is really tuff, If they make them nobody stocks um. Mediums that run small. PERFECT..
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