I hear you there. I used to be a mono pushed FAST from an Ultra Mag guy, just in case.OK Form and others on this new thinking. Awhile back, I posted an article on cartridge "insurance." NOT saying we can get sloppy with bullet placement but let's say our bullet placement or bullet itself wasn't exactly textbook. It's here where I personally draw the line on matters of cartridge and bullets. Animals move at the trigger pull and many offer us shots other than broadside. When hunting, it NEVER hurts to have some insurance when that trigger is pulled because we OWE that animal a clean kill.
How low can we go on the cartridge / bullet list and still maintain that insurance?? Many are saying the various 6mm's are plenty for BG hunting. Smaller cartridges as well. Me? Wish I could, but I just can't get there.
In spite of what you read above - I'm NOT closed to learning about new & improved. We all agree...we don't "need" a 300 Win to kill a deer. I'm looking at my current rifle / cartridge inventory (No magnums of any kind) - for Coyotes to Elk / Moose and when each rifle is matched to the game animal, the cartridge and bullet carry a bit of insurance for Ethics and peace of mind.
It seems, to me anyway, many of us differ on where that "insurance" minimum line might be.
Just my $.02 worth.
Now, in the event of something going wrong, I want a softer bullet with a wider damage path to increase the chances of hitting something vital around the edges, instead of maybe center punching something vital, feet later.