Puffy Pants - Sitka, FL, KUIU?

Chalk up my vote as goosefeet or nunatak if you are looking for lightest warmth/weight ratio and getting exactly what you want. The kuiu down options look like a nice commercial option and feature set for the weight.

None of the puff pants you listed are even remotely single digit stationary insulation. Not even close.
To do that that you will need to go to true expedition weight down puff pant with 10’ish ounces of insulation, or the Nunatak pants with 5oz APEX.

And I bet the 5oz Nunatak apex are still as light or lighter than the Kelvin lite or Uncompahgre.

If you're not wedded to pants, you might want to check out the Enlightened Equipment snow wrap. I'm seriously thinking of picking up a pair for next year. It's essentially a snow skirt *stop laughing* that packs down super small, and will help add some warmth. Easy on, easy off, *i said stop laughing* and it obviously breaths well. If you're glassing for an hour or two, it might be just the ticket when paired with leggings, and a lined softshell pant.

It comes with either 2oz Apex or 4oz Apex insulation, and they weigh a little over 6oz and 9oz respectively. Plus it only costs about $80.

I can feel the heat escape from the bottom of my puffy pants with elastic cuffs if there is wind and sub freezing temps. I'd think you would lose a lot of heat out the bottom of these with any wind or movement.
Goose feet gear is great. I need to get some pants made yet but I had Ben make a custom down muff for me and the quality is fantastic. I think I want a down balaclava made too for sleeping in the cold since I hate hoods on my sleeping bag or quilt.

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I love the Uncompaghre. The don't pack down as far as down, but these things are pretty damn breathable and I was warm sitting on stand around 0 F.

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