(j) ammunition, firearms, or certain firearm parts or accessories, or (k) certain weapons or knives regulated under applicable law.The better question is where did you get the idea that you can't buy scopes and gun parts with PP? You may not know, but eBay used to own PP.
But just as an example... Look at the payment methods accepted.
I'm not the biggest fan of PP, but internet BS is just that.
Pretty vague, eh? If for some reason a transaction is flagged as one of the above, and it does happen, good luck. I’ve had to deal with PayPal’s “customer service.” It’s anything but. Dealing with them was a night mare. No one that you talk to speaks English as a first language, and they don’t have the power to resolve anything anyway. If there’s any BS, it’s on PayPal’s side.
I can find many people claiming first hand experience of PayPal getting it wrong. It they do, there’s little you can do about it.
“The real risk lies with sellers using PayPal to receive funds. Last Sept to Dec of 2020 I sold over 120 AAC 51T mounts I was flipping for a profit on EBay and Gunbroker. 80% of my transactions where through PayPal. I always requested “no notes” from every buyer, but two jackasses put notes like “for gunbroker item #123456..”.
Sure enough PayPal locked my account last year. Said I violated their user agreement that states: “no firearms, no ammunition, and CERTAIN firearms parts and accessories”. Yes it really is that vague.
My account still has over $800 in it. They froze it and said I could retrieve the money after 180 days. On day 175 they withdrew the money out of my account and said it was for “damages from violating the user agreement”. Which is buried deep in their agreement is the right for them to charge you up to $2,500 per perceived violation of their agreement.
I didn’t realize this was a thing until it happened to me. Started researching online and they have done this to thousands of people. Luckily for my I had just transferred $3,000 out of the account two days before. The freeze came without any type of warning or indication it might happen.”