Proud dad moment


Oct 18, 2019
Today was my 6yr old sons first day of mentored deer hunting. Me and the wife both took him down to my stand for the evening with the cva wolf in line muzzleloader. After 2 hrs of rather impatient waiting 8 deer came out in the corner. Using a field pod he completely found the deer in the scope on his own and pulled the trigger sealing the deal on a 70yd shot at 6:20pm. He even managed to scope himself in the process but said "its ok dad girls like scars"
Fantastic young man, building a life time of memories. Scars are a badge of honor, wear it with pride.
That’s awesome!! Being with my kids when they shot their first deer was better than any I’ve taken! Hopefully he’s hooked now!
I’ll have to show this to a buddy of mine. He got sutured up after getting stopped.
Tell him real men don’t get stitches :D
That is awesome. I remember every detail of my first deer taken and my son's first deer as well.