Project 2025 impact


Nov 6, 2013
Its extraordinarily interesting. I made a statement that was almost verbatim of your last sentence when I read about Cheney last week.

On the front of pondering WW3, it seems to be the case that WW3 is either going to pop off or it is not. If it does pop off, its not going to be because of the use of US weaponry. If it were hinged on proxy of US supplies, we would already be in WW3. Since we're not privy to Sec of Defense Austin's call with his Russian counterpart to lay out US response to nuclear escalation, nobody without security clearance knows what the line in the sand is, but clearly Russia has not crossed it.

With that in mind, the US supplying arms to Ukraine will apparently not be the cause of WW3. What will be the cause of WW3 is Russia executing its next steps beyond reclaiming the territory that is Ukraine, which seems painfully clear is their goal. From the 40,000 foot view, one could argue this was a war that was always going to happen since the stage was set when Russian did not withdraw from East Germany following WW2. And I tend to agree that General McArthur was of the correct opinion that the Allies, who were already primed and mobilized and possessed "the bomb" should have smashed the Red Army then and there and settled the matter once and for all. Some years later, Kennedy closely considered a preemptive strike when Russian did not yet have nuclear launch capabilities. A 2nd opportunity was missed to end this before it started. 80 years later, here we are and Russia is wasting its military away on a daily basis in addition to providing all of the intel about one's enemy that any adversary could possibly desire including the utter inability to do logistics or obtain air superiority. There is a perspective here that any reasonable person must entertain and that is that the US is getting a basement-bargain deal on letting Russia waste itself into being a non threat and possibly avoiding WW3 due to the severely weakened state that results.

Of course, there is no certainty in any of this and much information that none of us are privy to, but it seems clear that the US taking the position of isolation is not in anyway a guarantee of avoiding WW3 and it also seems clear, at least thus far, that the US supplying arms will not trigger WW3.

Yes, China wants Taiwan and they want it bad, but their economy is too tied to that of the US and, from a statistical standpoint, China's economic trajectory ends come 2040 due to their birthrate which cannot be corrected at this point. They simply will not have the labor force to proceed. So that kicks it back to Russia. I don't know exactly what outcome avoids WW3, but we do that the US supplying arms does not apparently trigger it and Russia rolling over the former block countries, some of whom will absolutely not go gently into the night will (looking at you, Poland), by default triggers WW3. IMHO, the best case scenario for avoiding WW3 is Russia losing the will to continue to fight and that only happens with weapons from the West.

That's my perspective on it. I don't know everything and I fully acknowledge that there are other perspectives and I'm willing to change my position as new information, developments and perspectives emerge.

The war machine denied a peace treaty 2 years ago between Russia and Ukraine.

Arms are one of our biggest exports, the military industrial complex must be fed.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jan 20, 2013
Eastern Utah
i think you are looking for hunttalk. Thats more your crowd if there is even any one left posting there that randy hasnt banned.
Use caution judging who can and who can't post because of how YOU perceive thier political leanings.

The administration of Rokslide has made a clear statement that political grand standing will not be tolerated by either side.

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Nov 25, 2018
Use caution judging who can and who can't post because of how YOU perceive thier political leanings.

The administration of Rokslide has made a clear statement that political grand standing will not be tolerated by either side.

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got it and understood. thank you for the reminder.


Jul 22, 2019
Trying to stay on topic.

Huge swaths of public land (however expertly or poorly managed they may be) are what makes America truly great for hunters.

Project 2025 is cagey about it, but contains enough language about returning land to states or other downstream political units, or just private citizens... to make me think we'd end up like Europe. Only the rich can hunt. Project 2025 is by the billionaires and for the billionaires... so I guess it makes sense.

Once public land turns private... the game is up. It ain't going back.

Kamala doesn't seem to have a whole lot of policy out there about public land hunting... and Don hasn't spoken to it either.

So Project 2025 is much of what we have to go on.


Jan 26, 2015
Although, I guess if you’re one of those 20,000 Haitians in Ohio it’s open season on geese, people’s pets, etc. seems those tags aren’t hard to draw. Maybe you too can start hunting local park geese
Unbelievable to me that people continue to believe and parrot this hateful crap. It’s been debunked by the community leaders of Springfield, including local law enforcement. Talk about bearing false witness. Many in the community of Springfield are reported to be rallying in support of the LEGAL immigrants and their businesses and the GOP governor of the state is denouncing those who are trying to gain from these falsehoods.

Sad commentary about the power of disinformation used by unscrupulous politicians who are desperate.

And before you reflex to label my beliefs, I’m retired military and held public office for two terms in my local community as a Republican. Not long after I retired my brother-in-law accused me of being “ Right of Rush Limbaugh” during a political discussion.

Do the right thing and vote country over party.
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Feb 18, 2018
The whole game is that the train for both parties goes the same direction, just one side is slower at getting to the end of the track. Hard to fix the track with the sewer rats on both side running the station. No where in history has more Gov. ever been good for a society. Time to go back to part time goverment.

Until people relize that there is not much difference in today's R or D, we are going to continue to go the same direction -further left.

The Dem's / carrer swamp polititions orchestrated the perfect plan in the late 80's and were able to get the Republican party to continue to go left, year after year without them being aware of it. Or was it because most of the Rep. party was taken over by more Left leaning Rhinos.

Example: Dems have been moving further left since the late 80's and the Repuplicans have moved further left to pick up moderate votes to make thier Big Tent larger. The problem is/was both parties moved further Left.... Not sure how that helps our country.

If you were 70-80's Republican you would be now concidered a Right wing nut job and if your 90-2000 republican due to the party moving further left you are closer to being a Farmers democrate from the 70-80's.

just my opinion, but that sure seems like whats happend.

The only thing I know for sure is, I will be enjoying my Elk hunt this year as I have cashed in all my points to get out of the point game (Another mess for another topic).

Good luck to everyone this season. Aim well and shoot straight....


Jul 5, 2024
Unbelievable to me that people continue to believe and parrot this hateful crap. It’s been debunked by the community leaders of Springfield, including local law enforcement. Talk about bearing false witness. Many in the community of Springfield are reported to be rallying in support of the LEGAL immigrants and their businesses and the GOP governor of the state is denouncing those who are trying to gain from these falsehoods.

Sad commentary about the power of disinformation used by unscrupulous politicians who are desperate.

And before you reflex to label my beliefs, I’m retired military and held public office for two terms in my local community as a Republican. Not long after I retired my brother-in-law accused me of being “ Right of Rush Limbaugh” during a political discussion.

Do the right thing and vote country over party.
the federal government no matter who is "in charge" inevitably only gets larger, gains influence, and gains power, even at the expense of its own citizens. We lowly have nots are all we got, its cute you think voting a certain way will change anything. your rhetoric about how conservative you are and holding political office tells me everything i need to know about you.


Jan 26, 2015
the federal government no matter who is "in charge" inevitably only gets larger, gains influence, and gains power, even at the expense of its own citizens. We lowly have nots are all we got, its cute you think voting a certain way will change anything. your rhetoric about how conservative you are and holding political office tells me everything i need to know about you.
I don’t think “my rhetoric” said anything about my political position in regard to being conservative or not. I simply said that instead of sitting around bitching I served my country and my community as a registered Republican. You?
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Sep 30, 2024
It's hard to ignore how Project 2025 could reshape how we manage public lands. Deregulating big business and the oil industry, especially with Arctic drilling, could lead to more short-term profits but at what long-term cost? Public lands should be for everyone to enjoy, not just for corporations to exploit. Fire management and climate protections are huge concerns too—seems like we’re moving backwards on issues that affect not only the environment but also our communities. I’m all for keeping lands accessible and protected for future generations, not just handed over for corporate interests.