Jason Snyder
I’m not going to argue with you. You obviously don’t like facts.I beg to differ. They are up to six grazing allotments now. And last I looked AP was allowing only one (small) block management unit for public hunting. That is a drop in the bucket compared to how much land they occupy that can’t be hunted. As far as access to public lands is concerned, the last AP Podcast I listened to Gerrity was trying to establish corridors for Wolves and Grizzlies. CBD is the largest anti-hunting group on the planet and they endorse AP. I have never had CBD endorse anything I was ever involved with. Read this:
“Attorney General Knudsen’s appeal asks the U.S. Department of the Interior Office of Hearings and Appeals to overturn the decision and issue a stay until the appeal is resolved to prevent irreparable harm to the grazing allotments and surrounding communities, said a Knudsen news release.
“The BLM’s decision ignores the real concerns of rural communities and ranchers who rely on the land in favor of elitist attitudes of those seeking to transform Northeast Montana into a wildlife viewing shed for tourists. Agriculture is not an easy way of life, but Montana ranch families – including my own – are proud of their history and heritage that is still a part of our state today,” Attorney General Knudsen said. “As American Prairie Reserve occupies more and more land here, it pushes out ranching communities, threatens our livestock industry, and will ultimately add to the instability of the world’s food supply.”
APR purchases are no different than the Wilks brothers, except APR allows access