Pro Staffers

Hey I don't like all this anti-pro staff vibe!

Pro Staff:

Eddie Bauer
Girls Gone Wild
Popeil Pocket Fisherman

That's FUNNY!!!!!! I think the "Pro-Staff" thing has become a joke!

I know and have seen guys try to get free stuff all the time and it makes me want to puke. I had one guy, that's very well known, take kill pictures with multiple styles of camo that he wasn't wearing when he killed his animals and then take pictures with numerous hats displaying logos of gear he wasn't using. This is just one example of a very well known guy.

Then there are the guys that just want free stuff and they try to pimp themselves out to get it. As a whole people are greedy and will do or say anything to get free stuff or a payday. It doesn't matter what the product is you can find somebody to claim its the greatest thing ever. The "Cough Silencer" and "Butt-Out" tool are two prime examples

I have a friend that never kills anything and couldn't hunt his way out of his own house if you walked him in through the back door and he is "Pro Staff" for just about everybody and his email signature has them all listed. It's annoying yet funny

I prefer to read unbiased gear reviews from people that paid for it rather than see a bunch of "pro staffers" tell me how great something is

I saw a thread on another website once where a guy was starting up some outdoor gear company and asked if anybody wanted to be in his "pro staff". He's asking people he's never met to represent him and you should have seen the responses! People jumped at the chance to associate themselves with some dude off the Internet because they thought "pro staff" was cool

I've been offered opportunities to do certain things and it was for gear that I liked but I didn't feel like selling out. I prefer to pay for my gear and be able to express my opinions freely without feeling like I owe anybody anything. Just my .02
This thread has probably done nothing to answer the original posters question. I guess I have not met the type of pro staffers that most are referring to.

Interestingly enough I wonder how many would say no to Swarovski asking them to use their product, or a bow company offering to give them a bow, or maybe Aron asking them to use Kifaru products.

Also many of the Rokslide staff are affiliated with many other pro staff, but answer many PMs, telephone calls, etc. hopefully those that have such a negative image of pro staffers will get the chance to meet some of the good ones out there.

And for Jake, the original poster, send me a PM and we can talk about the pros and cons of being part of a pro staff.
You're probably right Doug, and I didn't do much to help.

Sorry to the OP, just havin' a little fun.

The only Pro Staff I am actually on is Rokslide, and it has opened quite a few doors, but it isn't a Brand Name promotional position, as much as it is a writing/ gear evaluation position.

I certainly wouldn't be turning down any deals or freebies from good companies.
Don't get me wrong, I am all for fun. The first video can make you laugh out loud when you are all alone. Ridiculously funny.
Tasco turned me down when I applied.
I saw some cool binos at Wal Mart the other day, so I'm gonna try getting on their staff.
I know several guys who are sponsored or are "pro staff" in the 3-gun shooting curcuit and for the most part they earn it.

You don't have to be the best shooter on the range, it helps, but what these companies are looking for are real competitors to show fellow shooters their products.
The sponsors are also using the shooters for advertisement. Even if your not into competetive shooting, almost everyone knows Jerry Miculek shoots for S&W.
The best "pro-staffers" are the guys who are helping other shooter improve their game.

I'm sure hunting is the same.

I will say there are plenty of guys who are similar to Bobs video, but they stand out ;)
I know a guy who is a "pro staffer" for Hornady. In fact, im pretty sure someone posted a video of him earlier in this thread. A real pogue.

I dont shoot Hornady bullets based on principle now.
The people I know that are pro staffers really don't talk about it and seem to only be with companies they respect.
Well I will throw in my $.02 I am not a prostaff for anyone in the outdoor industry and doubt i ever will be. But in the paintball industry I used to be sponsored "pro staff" for multiple companys. It does have its perks big time as I used to travel all over the lower 48 Canada and France for free all paid for by sponsers. Entry fees, cases of paint jerseys masks markers parts etc etc were all paid for and only out of pocket was food. All tournament winnings and money from reselling guns after season was ours to keep. I got to see parts of the country I would never have seen if it wasnt for this. It was great to say the least!! But good times always end and it was more work than enjoyment. I started dreading doing something I absolutly loved to do for the past 15 or so years. Politics were huge!!!!! It got so bad that sponsors would tell you who you can and who you cant speak with just because the person was sponsored by a competitor.

Personally if something you love is your hobby and you love it keep it that way!! It is something you do for enjoyment not as a job and you are much more likely to get burnt out on it. Ya freeor discounted stuff is always great but it is not always worth making something you love something you dread.
Personally, I think being a field or equipment editor for a magazine would be a much better gig. All kinds of gear sent to you for free, and its YOURS to do as you see fit after. What better than getting some real hands on time with some stuff you might actually use, for free!

Ive been in Scheels when Curt Wells brought all the demo bows he has acquired through the year to sell. Thats a dandy little bit of bonus money.

I was able to get some free long range rangefinders last summer for field testing, I only had them a month and had to send them back, but man it really helped me make a decision.
Personally if something you love is your hobby and you love it keep it that way!! It is something you do for enjoyment not as a job and you are much more likely to get burnt out on it. Ya freeor discounted stuff is always great but it is not always worth making something you love something you dread.[/QUOTE]

I was on a pro fishing team at one point and also commercial fished some after that gig and after that It was just work and all the enjoyment was gone. I haven't picked up a fishing rod in over two years. I used to live to fish and now I could care less if I ever catch another fish in my life.
This is a good topic I've never been on a pro staff nor will probably ever be on one the free or discounted gear would be cool but what if its shit and hate the gear to me personally I would rather buy me own gear that is best suited and top notch to myself for when I'm in the mtns for days on in then using and advertising something I don't like
Interestingly enough I wonder how many would say no to Swarovski asking them to use their product

Interestingly enough, one of the offers I had was from a high end optics company and I declined for 2 reasons. First, it's not the best optics on the market IMO and I'm not going to take a free spotter and a pair of binoculars to tell people that they are as a matter of principle and second, I'm not going to relinquish my right give an honest opinion about products that I like.

An acquaintance and friend of a friend is a well known former MLB player and when we were all at shot show in Vegas a few years back he walked around and basically told everybody he talked to that if they would give him free stuff, put them on their pro staff and sponsor him he would pimp their products. He had no idea what the best products were but was willing to pimp whatever he got for free. The guy had made almost 70 million dollars in his baseball career and he's pimping what was free. It was pathetic. He has asked me to take him hunting for nothing and he'd have a bunch of baseball players come hunt with me. No thanks!

There's exceptions to every rule but the whole pro staff thing and sponsorship thing has just gotten out of hand IMO.

I'm not trying to be negative and a jerk, I'm merely relaying what I see every year in the hunting industry. I understand why companies need guys to promote their products but I just see too damn many vultures out there that are willing to say whatever they need to to get free stuff