Practical difference between 7-08 and 6.5PRC

It's 500 yards. Unless you hunt in 50mph 90* winds.....its so close it doesn't matter. You could add the 243 and 308......and it still wouldn't matter. An inch or 3 makes little difference once the quarry is bigger than a mouse.

With that said, you don't hear many 708 guys complaining about 708s.
All I was saying is if we are comparing bc whether g1 or g7 do it with similar numbers to see where they start to differ
Comparing factory to factory, a PRC is going to provide you with less wind drift and more range error forgiveness. You can handload or custom order 7/08 with slicker bullets that will close some of the wind drift gap but you'll never close the trajectory gap without giving up quite a bit in wind drift.

Either with something like an ELDx will do what you need terminally at 500 yards but the 7/08 will start to look pretty marginal with monos and harder bullets at that range if you compare it to a PRC.
Biggest 2 things your losing out on going with the 7mm08 are wind drift and long term ammo options. I've been pretty disappointed with accuracy in the few superformance offerings I've tried as well. Huge velocity spreads, at least in 243 win.
Don't lose too much sleep over it. Math and wind spook aside, you're not going to see much difference in terminal performance. Pick whichever makes you happy, shoot enough to be able to make an honest assessment of your capabilities and stick to it. A few inches up down or sideways looks like a big deal on paper but most of us don't shoot well enough in the field to see much gain from one cartridge to the next. If you shoot well then there really isn't a bad choice between the two. But since you are asking, you should get a 7-08
Check out this website. It was useful in comparing a couple different handloads for my 7RM - their bullet library is solid and you can look at drift, impact, energy etc.

I’d be more inclined to go shopping for ammo or components first then buy a rifle so long as anti 2A politicians are leading the government into the ground.

Just spitballing here to carry this on, as I’m interested in similar setups mainly for trophy deer hunts. I have other combos when elk are a possibility but these two cartridges are my top two contenders. I have much experience with the 7mm-08 and zero with the PRC but not afraid to try something new.

7mm-08s have treated me right and no complaints here from many deer down for the better part of 25 years with the cartridge. I am going to build a rifle with the intent of running it suppressed and am leaning towards a 20” barrel with detachable mags to hunt <600 yards. 18” bbl maybe,………maybe.

Superformance is a winner on paper as others have said but I have yet to have a rifle that will shoot them well; average is about the best I can say. Removing the SF load, the 6.5 PRC is flatter shooting but the wind bucking ability appeals to me a lot and a big point for the PRC. The 7mm-08 is cheaper to shoot but I don’t plan for this rifle to see excessive amounts of rounds down on a yearly basis. 20” bbl in either seems fine but if I was swayed to the 18”, I would lean towards the 7mm-08, as I think the PRC starts giving up too much and it’s a closer gap, but will let others advise.

Lots of choices and this isn’t about being practical; just wanting another cool tool for the bag of tricks …..carry on.
I worked up a load for my brother with the 156 grain EOL.

2932 fps with a screaming BC rivals or exceeds the 7mm Rem Mag.

I have no plans to get a 6.5 PRC, my 7mm-08 does what I need it to. 150 ELDX at 2790 fps is lethal as far as I’m willing or able to shoot.

I was comparing these two rifles as well. I ended up going with a Kimber hunter in 7-08 $559 from murdochs on a flash sale. I mostly hunt elk and being able to shoot the 162 amax decided it for me. I shoot roughly the same distance you're talking about and having more frag on target cannot hurt. Lots of great articles talk about the efficiency of the round with that bullet. Either will do the job. I like simple and easy and the ability to buy a box if out of state/country after shit hit the fan.
This was a good read.
7mm-08 Remington

I read the article.

The conclusions drawn by the author do not match my experience.

The 7mm-08 kills much better than the author indicates.
I read the article.

The conclusions drawn by the author do not match my experience.

The 7mm-08 kills much better than the author indicates.
Kills like the plague 😉
I bought the first 7mm-08 for my "borrowed hunting migets" to use. Now I have 10 or more after seeing how they perform...even with awful shot placement.
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