Powerful but compact binos?


Dec 21, 2020
I’ve gone through four pairs of binos and I’m still searching for the right ones. I’ve tried Vortex Vanquish 8x26, Steiner Predator AF 8x32, Bushnell Buckhorn 10x42, and an old pair of cabela’s 10x30-somethings. I like the vanquish for a minimalist carrying bono when bowhunting, but I’m looking for something with some more magnification that I can carry in my Vortex chest harness. I don’t want to go too big of an objective. I’m thinking that I want something like a 12x42, or a compact 12x50. 10x is ok, but I remember not being able to tell if a buck had brow tines from 200 yards away some years ago with the buckhorns. I want more than 10x. I’d also like to keep it below $300 if possible. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Sep 1, 2022
If it was me, I would focus more on optical quality and clarity over magnification. Buy the highest quality binos you can afford, that will help with ID'ing - especially at a close range like 200 yards.

$300 is tough, but I think if you extend your budget to $500 a lot more quality options open up, especially in the 10x class. You can currently get the Steiner Predator 10x42's for ~$450 from CameralandNY right now, that would probably be my top contender. Kowa has some 10x bino's in that price point. Maven C.1 12x are $450, and the C.3 12x are right at $500.

This GPO 10x42 at a sale of $399 may be worth considering as well: https://cameralandny.com/shop/germa...96?variation=3247985&query=Clearance Specials
Jun 27, 2022
If it was me, I would focus more on optical quality and clarity over magnification. Buy the highest quality binos you can afford, that will help with ID'ing - especially at a close range like 200 yards.

$300 is tough, but I think if you extend your budget to $500 a lot more quality options open up, especially in the 10x class. You can currently get the Steiner Predator 10x42's for ~$450 from CameralandNY right now, that would probably be my top contender. Kowa has some 10x bino's in that price point. Maven C.1 12x are $450, and the C.3 12x are right at $500.

This GPO 10x42 at a sale of $399 may be worth considering as well: https://cameralandny.com/shop/german-precision-optics-passion-ed-10x42-binoculars-open-box/11bb8ed0-f566-013a-2564-00163e90e196?variation=3247985&query=Clearance Specials

This. You’ll see more with 8x binos with decent glass than 12x binos with shitty glass and you won’t fatigue your eyes as bad.

IMO BX4’s are the best bang for the buck for binoculars.
Sep 20, 2018
In someone's favorite spot
I’ve gone through four pairs of binos and I’m still searching for the right ones. I’ve tried Vortex Vanquish 8x26, Steiner Predator AF 8x32, Bushnell Buckhorn 10x42, and an old pair of cabela’s 10x30-somethings. I like the vanquish for a minimalist carrying bono when bowhunting, but I’m looking for something with some more magnification that I can carry in my Vortex chest harness. I don’t want to go too big of an objective. I’m thinking that I want something like a 12x42, or a compact 12x50. 10x is ok, but I remember not being able to tell if a buck had brow tines from 200 yards away some years ago with the buckhorns. I want more than 10x. I’d also like to keep it below $300 if possible. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
You want 12x compacts that are good quality for under $300? LOL Welcome to the club. We all do!

As has been said, extra magnification means nothing if it isn't high quality glass. That is compounded with compacts. The only compacts I know that are worth owning are Swaro CL's and they aren't even all that compact. For your budget, Bushnell Legend Ultra HD compacts are worth looking into. They are surprisingly good for the price, if you can find them anymore.

I do wish you luck!


Apr 20, 2013
Swaro CLs fit the bill perfectly but out of your price range. Check out CameralandNY open box deals on GPO 10x32 ED glass. I think you can get them really close to your price...The GPO glass is better than its price point would indicate.