Face to Face only, no shipping. Able to meet in the Harrisburg/Philadelphia/Baltimore areas easily, I’m also in the DC metro area a couple of times a month.
H4831SC –
IMR 4831

H4831SC –
- a jug with 8# 5 oz in it (these containers weigh 7 oz empty on my scale) - $340
- a jug with 2# 6 oz in it $100
IMR 4831
- 7# 15 oz. probably 20 years old, was passed to me by a relative, seems to be unopened despite being an ounce light. $350
- 1 unopened 8# jug, $260
- a jug with 2# 7 oz in it, $70
- 3 unopened 1# bottles, $110 for all