
Over the past 30 years or so, every foot injury I have experienced has been overcome mainly by replacing the offending footwear that caused it, combined with rest and switching activities for a while. New Balance and Meindl have been my friends, Superfeet and Sole insoles made things worse for me, while Spenco Walker/Runner Wides and Montrail Enduro LP insoles have been great.
Dont want to change the subject here, but what is good advice on preventing PF?

Strong, flexible feet...
See if you can spend more time barefoot. Gradually of course. That will build up some strength and flexibility. Supportive shoes can protect your feet but the problem is then you never build any strength. Kind of like wearing a a waist belt every time you squat. Sure it stabilizes the core but wouldn't you rather be working the core when you squat?
Yep, above posting is true. Treatment and maintenance varies.

I would be interested to know how many here utilized the ariat boot to bed every night....I don't know how I would have healed without it.

I use a Strassburg sock rather than the boot. Probably the same principle.
I'm almost afraid not to wear it. My foot feels 100x better in the morning and no heel pain.
I will be taking it to camp. Sleeping bags put my foot in the worse possible position and the sock corrects that.