Pine Squirrels Ruin Your hunt.

Out here in PA, squirrels can be bad and they also chirp and bark at everything as you see out west. Blue Jays are the worst and I have between two and four pair around all the time. I am regularly scolded and announced far and wide, especially if I hunt from my stands along the edges. It is sort of funny though, when a Blue Jay gets close, I tend to react like it was a deer and freeze until the bird moves on.
What I’m about to tell you is 100% true, and 100% luck… way back in my college days I was hunting elk with my longbow and came across one of those little buggers sitting on a log eating a pine cone.

Now I’d been absolutely wrecked by target panic that summer and I figured it was a good time to practice drawing and aiming on something I didn’t intend to shoot.

Well I got drawn back and aimed at that little guy sitting broadside to me at ten yards, and I’ll be damned if the target panic didn’t yank the string right outs my hand. I shot the pine cone right out of the little buggers paws!
One time me and two buddies where napping mid day and a tree rat was getting truly obnoxious scolding us non stop. One buddy who can sleep anywhere, anytime finally got woke up and in a cold, calculated rage calmly grabbed his bow, knocked and arrow went to full draw and aiming well upward and off the side of an extremely brushy mountainside at the furball up in the tree he shot. And missed. Me n other buddy laughed ourselves silly at the moment. Arrow of course was long gone. But squirrel shut up and buddy went back to sleep. It was sorta that happy hour when your low on sleep and anything can be insanely funny.
Didnt ruin the hunt that day, it made it a memory.

But yes they r the informants of the woods out there .
A couple of years ago I had a whole herd of squirrels all around me while I was up in a deer stand. Non stop noise. They were either barking at me or chasing each other around and sounding like a herd of deer coming my way. Now I carry a suppressed Ruger Mk 4. The little bastages are no longer an issue.
Definitely a difference between the species on how they react. The Douglas squirrels are way more irritable than the Hudson squirrels. Hudson squirrels you can usually whisper your way out of a confrontation, not so with the Douglas, they go full on Karen.
I laugh at all these YouTube videos' with all these Elk Hunting "Influencers" and if you listen, you can hear the dadgum squirrels all barking and chattering in the background.