Picking up hitchhikers

My wifes great grandpa picked up to 2 hitch hikers. They killed him and took his pickup. They were escapees from a prison. In Tennesee in 1984.
Holy --it! For the win! First, sorry that happened to a guy who was no doubt a well intentioned guy trying to be a good person. Second, this is another great example of why not to participate in the practice of picking up hitchhikers. Folks in distress, a possibility after careful analysis, but hitchhikers a hard "No!"
I try to help whenever I can, within reason and sound judgment. It happened more when we lived in a real small town. Now that we live in a bigger area I don't really run across many people hitchhiking. A few of the memorable ones from back then:

I stopped by the post office to get our mail and a guy asked if I could take him up the road a ways. I knew where the area was so I told him I would run him up there. Along the way he asked if I would stop at the store and let him go get a beer. I told him I could drop him at the store, or I could drop him up the road, but I wouldn't do both. He decided the store was where he wanted to go.

Another time I had just finished hunting and it was a very cold day for our area. I saw a guy walking down the road on my way back and asked if he needed a ride. He said he was walking to town and would appreciate it. It was probably 7-8 miles away. He had me drop him off at a big pecan tree, he was walking all that way to go pickup pecans.

The one that sticks in my mind though was a couple months before my wife and I got married. I was taking a load of stuff down to where we were moving and saw a lady on the side of the highway with a gas can. She was probably in her 50s and Hispanic. I stopped and asked if she needed help and she said yes, she needed someone to take her to the gas station. She got in and between her broken English and my broken Spanish she told me her daughter was in the hospital and she had been visiting her when she ran out of gas. When we got to the gas station I tried to buy her the 3 gallons of gas to fill up the can she had, but she wouldn't take it. On the way back to her car I mentioned I was about to get married and she told me to be thankful that my culture wasn't like hers, because her husband was the one responsible for paying for their wedding. I dropped her back at her car and we went our separate ways.

On the other side of things, I was turkey hunting one day in an area with no cell service. I got back to my car and the tire was flat. I pulled the spare out, and it was also flat. I got my inverter pump out and it died. So I started walking and finally got to a house with somebody home. I knocked on the door and this old man answered. I asked if he had an air compressor and he says "oh yeah, in that shed right there." So I ask if I can use it and he says "won't do no good, it don't work." He asked what I needed and I explained and he said "well hop in the car then, we'll get the tire and head into town." Yelled up the stairs to his wife "I'll be back in a little while, this feller has a flat tire." Off we went, I was able to get the spare inflated so I could get home. Plugged the original tire and bought me a new inflator.

I've pulled a few broken down vehicles into a gas station or a parking lot. That's usually pretty obvious what needs to happen though, not a ton of character guessing that has to take place.
This is an interesting story. About 4 years ago we went shooting in the mountains outside town. Just a quick trip to help a friend with his scope. When we were sitting around chatting we heard something on the road way down below but didn’t think much of it. When we were driving out we came across a wreck where the driver flipped the F-150 off the road. Driver left the flashers on and we got out and walked around the car to make sure nobody was hurt. He was about 400 yards down walking out and wanted a ride. He Said he had another passenger that stayed back with the truck but we never saw anyone. We called 911 back at the vehicle and told him no but they are on their way.

It was F-ing creepy. Never knew what exactly happened and didn’t see him on the jail roster either, but he appeared high or something. Passed 2 sheriffs and i think US Marshals between the wreck and getting to pavement.

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I didn’t know who Mike Judge was until I watch his series on TV called “Tales from the Tour Bus” (highly entertaining - especially if you’re a fan of country music).

Anyway, one episode of the series centered around George Jones, and there was a story about George picking up a hitch hiker:

Fast forward to 2:33
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Only given rides to 2 people.

A fellow hunter that got turned around and ended about 4-5 miles from his truck in 90 degree weather and had no more water. He was already getting light headed so I gave him a ride back.

Other time was while I was living in Missouri. Saw a lady walking with 3 small children along the side of the road in a terrible snow storm. Pulled over to see if she needed help. Could see she was terrified (and bruised up) but she hesitantly took the offer. Gave her a ride to the nearest hotel and helped her out with a room for the night. Never will forget the look on those kid’s faces when they got in the heated truck, all snuggled up to each other, and passed out instantly. Sure hope everything turned out alright for them.

Other than that, I drive by the actual hitch hikers.
Normally don't, gave one weirdo a ride one time close to dark mostly to get him 20 miles down the road before he set up camp near the house
I stop for people stranded with vehicles when not hauling horses. If they appear OK and have a charged phone, I help change the tire if they need it (mostly what I see) or move along.

Only stopped once for a hitchhiker. No car for miles that I had drove and he was headed the same way as me. Told him he had to ride in the back under the bed topper (for both of our safety, and I had a bunch of stuff in the cab, and he became belligerent. It was a nice spring day in the low 50s, so I didn't see the harm in it, but he wasn't having it, yelling and calling me an ahole for it. I said fine and went to leave, jerk picked up a rock and threw it at the truck.

Long story short, unless they look like they're having a hard time, I'm not stopping if you're walking on the highway shoulder. I'll call the roadside help number (*55) or the non emergency sheriff or state patrol number and report them. I've also never seen them on the interstate either, they get picked up here pretty quick.
Picked up a guy once, can't recall if he ran out of gas or his car broke down. Anyway, asked where he was heading, and he didn't care if we went out of town or into town. Pretty sure he was high or on something, he was very fidgety and rocking in the seat the whole ride. Dropped him off at a gas station on my way home without incident but was a little sketched out by his behavior. Not planning to do that again.
Have picked up a few who obviously needed help.
One that comes to mind was, a really cold jan morning, getting ready to pull out on the highway from a gravel road. This 20 something girl emerges out of the nearing whiteout conditions with no coat and torn up clothes. Asks for a ride into town because her boyfriend had roughed her up and kicked her out. Had walked all night and was really cold. Gave her a ride into town to her friends house.

Have been picked up a couple times, both memorable.

First time, had run out of gas late at night. Was getting out to walk when a brand new dodge when they first came out with the cummins in them pulls over. Guy offers me a ride into town to get fuel and has a can. Before we got to the station we got pulled over, and he starts panicking, saying. "I have been drinking, switch me places real quick". Being young and dumb I did, somehow the cop didnt notice, said he was looking for somebody else and drove off.

Other time, got stuck many miles in on a gravel mountain road that was a shortcut connecting two highways. This mini van full of women that had been drinking, pick me up and proceed to drive like they were in a rally race out to the highway where I could use a phone. Then being dumb, after getting help headed my way, let them give me a ride most of the way back to my truck.
Picked a guy up at a fishing access somewhere out of Bozeman, he and his buddy had just finished their float only to realize they had left the keys to the second truck 10 miles upstream...Random dude on the highway, no way, random dude with a drift boat, I'll take my chances. Managed to score a 6 pack and a dozen handtied streamers, caught some monster browns with those flies so I'd say it turned out well for us both.
Picked up 4 last year in Gunnison/CB. One guy just needed a shuttle so he could float the river solo, one guy was hiking the colorado trail and stopped in gunni to shower and reup supplies and needed a ride 5 or 6 miles back towards the trail, one group was the owner of a local business/his assistant and his daughter whos truck broke down, and the other was a hiker whos dog had gotten into a porcupine and needed a ride from CB to Gunni for an emergency vet appointment. Also hitched a few times myself. Never had any issues in either scenario. Passed up way more people than I have picked up though.
I've both gotten and given rides before in a pinch. Just seemed like the friendly thing to do to pay it forward. I know I have been grateful for help when I needed it. But I don't anymore...

I'm a prosecutor in Northern Minnesota and anytime someone is eligible for parole, the parole board asks for input from the prosecutor in that jurisdiction. It doesn't matter that I had nothing to do with a case from when I was probably about 10 years old. I've got the job now, so they ask me to review the file and weigh in. On Christmas day more than 30 years ago a gentleman from the railroad company picked up 2 hitch-hikers. It was cold and he was being helpful. A few miles down the road, the hitch-hikers forced him to pull over and walked him into the woods. Made him kneel and tied him to a tree. The Good Samaritan was begging for his life when they put a bullet into the back of his head. I've suggested the shooter not be paroled, fortunately they've agreed. I've also stopped picking up hitchers.
I've picked up hitchhikers on two separate occasions. One was at a gas station, a girl my age was abandoned by her friends and she came up to me and asked me to drive her home. I said yes because i thought she was cute. She ended up leaving drugs (white powder in a small plastic bag, looked kind of like course granulated sugar) in my car that I found the next day.

The last time was when I saw a girl walking down the street in my neighborhood on a cold rainy night. She ended up being one of my sisters friends. I was glad i stopped for her.

I was in my early 20s both times I picked up hitchhikers. Haven't picked up anyone since.
I picked up a hitchhiker once.
Turned out to be a smoking hot chick.

As we were traveling along, she said "Im a witch... and if you touch me you'll turn into something..."

Curiosity got the best of me and I leaned over and touched her...

I'll be damned if I didnt turn in to a motel :)

[Just an old OTR trucker joke :) ]

Old truckers never die, they just get a new Peterbilt. 🤣

Never picked up a hitchhiker and can honestly say I’ve never seen a single one that didn’t scream bad news. Always seem to be within a mile or two of a rural prison out in BFE and no conceivable way that they could be mentally stable.

Last dude I saw hitchhiking straight up looked like Wayne Gacy and was walking into traffic with his thumb out. Full coat on in 95 degree South Georgia July heat with his hands in his pockets. Even his demeanor walking just seemed off.

I probably hadn’t seen a car in 15 minutes, again being out in BFE. I see him and move into the oncoming traffic lane to go around him, which causes him to promptly run over to the side of the road I had moved to. I slow down to about 10 mph when I’m about 200’ away and he moves to the shoulder probably thinking I’m slowing down to pick him up. The second my truck gets in line with him, but I’m still going 10 mph he realizes I’m not coming to a stop and loses it. Screaming, cussing, flipping me off and waving his arms. Started running after me at which point I resumed normal operating speeds.
Saw a guy today carrying two chainsaws... but didn't look like he was the kind of guy thay would be using them, just selling them if you know what I mean.

I was picked up once by a guy in a convertible BMW. Me and a buddy were grouse hunting with my dog and got on a closed forest service road that ran along a major ridge systems hunted it most of the day. We then realize it's 13 miles back the way we came or drop down to main road and it loops back and it's 4 miles but steep on a paved road. We decided to drop down. Shotguns broke over a shoulder and dog on lead guy in BMW saw us and asks if we needed a ride. We gladly took it.
Got a ride once with a dog and shotgun.
Driver owned the drugstore across the street from the one my dad worked in.
I didn't have any dead pheasants with me though.