Well was he a good singer? Cus if not, it probly was Curt Cobain.I picked up a guy in front of our farm on the right of way with a jug in one hand and his thumb out in the other.
He gets in and settled. He looked like Kurt Cobain in dress and hair.
He says, "thanks buddy, you're a lifesaver...I've been on the side of the road for hours...no one will stop"
I asked him how far back he ran out of gas and he looked at me funny with an inquisitive look.
I clarified that I asked because of the jug.
He said "oh this...yeah, can you believe it...someone threw this perfectly good container in the ditch."
I saw it was an empty antifreeze bottle when he held it up.
I started to talk again and he interrupted me and said "here's where I get off. I'm staying at my buddy's house right there".
This was 200 yards from where I picked him up.