Picking up hitchhikers

Had a crackhead jump in the truck with me and my girlfriend at the time. Door was unlocked (this was back before automatic locks). I was around 16-17 and naive about alot of things. Got an earful when I dropped the crackhead off a few blocks away 😂. Couple that with life experiences after that, that’s gonna be a no for me since my family is almost always with me when I’m not at work.
I have quite a few times. On a river where I grew up, it was common practice to float then hitch hike back to your rig, so I both picked up and was picked up a lot there. I also have picked up random folks, but not in the last 10 yrs. The most interesting was I picked up a giant native guy north of roundup in a thunderstorm. I was heading archery elk hunting and he was soaked standing on the side of the road. I pulled over and drove him to DY Junction (you MT folks will know that is in the middle of nowhere). Interesting conversation....
I broke down once and hitched a ride and then back to my truck. Tried my best to hunch down and not look 6'6" and broke out my most harmless smile. I was so thankful when a minivan with a little family gave me a ride.

Another time driving through Oregon all night on the I5 we saw someone broke down changing a tire. My idiot brother turned around and went back on the other side for us to help. It was pitch black and really creepy. I stood back behind the guy with a flashlight as my brother changed the tire. I could see on the guy who broke down he was really dirty, nearly translucent skin, and he had a hole in his neck the size of a golf ball. Like someone had a big melon scoop and just scooped out a ball from the side of his neck. It hadnt even healed all the way and there was no bandage. The hair on my neck stood on end the entire time. Even the state troopers car that passed didnt even hit the brakes to check it out.
I've picked up a few, but thinking now, its been a while. I seam to be less hesitant if its a decently dressed clean cut person as opposed to a grungy rough looking fellow.

Sorry @Ucsdryder your out of luck if I see you hitchhiking. :ROFLMAO:
I'm way more likely to help someone who isn't asking for help. Like pull over to talk to someone with vehicle trouble, see what's up, get them to town or offer assistance as needed. If I see a dude hoofing it with a gas can hell ya brother hop in, been there myself!
I picked one up about 30 years ago on an interstate onramp. Was perhaps 10 degrees out & dark. Guy got in and wanted to go 100 miles north. I was going two exits/four miles up, so that's what he got...

He was a sharer - offering some weed he'd managed to procure in the one hour he'd been out of jail prior to our happy acquaintance.

Said no to the weed, and no to further hitchhiker experiences.

On the flip side, back in that same time period 30ish years back, I flew to Cape Town to see a buddy who was living in the NE corner of Namibia. He hitchhiked for three days (well over 2000km), riding in the back of Lorries, and got to the Cape Town airport in time to meet me. He's now a CEO and Chairman of multiple boards.
I've picked up a few, but thinking now, its been a while. I seam to be less hesitant if its a decently dressed clean cut person as opposed to a grungy rough looking fellow.

Sorry @Ucsdryder your out of luck if I see you hitchhiking. :ROFLMAO:

Don’t you worry! I’m not letting any of you goofy bastards pick me up.

I did flag down a state trooper last year after I killed my bull. I took a different route and ended up 2.5 miles from the truck. He was a nice guy and gave me a ride after running my info and giving me a pat down. Does that qualify for the ass part?
A few weeks ago there was a dude on a city side street pulled over with flashers blinking, just shy of an intersection. As I went by I stopped and rolled down the window, asked if he was okay or needed help. He said he was waiting for traffic to clear because there was a bunch of coins in the intersection up ahead. I'm not sure if he was being sarcastic or what, but there were like 50 pennies up there.
I'm way more likely to help someone who isn't asking for help. Like pull over to talk to someone with vehicle trouble, see what's up, get them to town or offer assistance as needed. If I see a dude hoofing it with a gas can hell ya brother hop in, been there myself!
Last year I saw a family with a flat. Pulled over and the husband was staring at this tire like it was going to change itself. I asked if he needed help and the husband said “we’re goo…” and was interrupted by his wife that said “he can’t change it, we need help”. It was a little awkward as she gave him the look. I got it changed and everyone was happy, even the husband.

I’ll pull over for kids and women.
We were heading out to Sheridan snowmobiling and a native guy was walking on the high so the guy driving stopped asked where he was going. It was a town about 20 miles the way we were heading. Well everyone got to bs in the truck forgot about the guy and when we stopped in spearfish he woke up popped out of the box and asked if we were there. It was 150 miles past where he wanted to go so we bought him a burger and he said i got buddies here and wandered off
I've hauled a few ppl going up the interstate from exit to exit but I always make them ride in the back of the truck. I show them my pistol & tell them to not do anything stupid.
My dad hitchhiked from NC to San Diego after he graduated HS (1970).
I picked up a guy once about 20 years ago, while at work. He had an onion, he picked off the side of the road and a jack and coke. Was headed to his daughters graduation. I took him to the next gas station on the way to where I was going. Was an interesting time. I've picked up hunters on FS roads quite a bit, and the favor has been returned to me a lot. Little old lady or women with a flat tire, I always stop if I am able.
Once. I was 19 years old and headed home after working a long day on a ranch. The drive was only 100 miles, but I was dead tired and thought the company would keep me awake. Got to talking and asked him what he was doing in Dickens, Texas. He was honest and said he just got out of county jail for stabbing someone. I stayed really awake the entire ride back.
I probably wouldn't pick anyone up in town, but I would help a fellow hunter out in field. I have been surprised how many people have picked me up during archery season when I pop out on a road miles from my rig.
I picked up a guy in front of our farm on the right of way with a jug in one hand and his thumb out in the other.

He gets in and settled. He looked like Kurt Cobain in dress and hair.

He says, "thanks buddy, you're a lifesaver...I've been on the side of the road for hours...no one will stop"

I asked him how far back he ran out of gas and he looked at me funny with an inquisitive look.

I clarified that I asked because of the jug.

He said "oh this...yeah, can you believe it...someone threw this perfectly good container in the ditch."

I saw it was an empty antifreeze bottle when he held it up.

I started to talk again and he interrupted me and said "here's where I get off. I'm staying at my buddy's house right there".

This was 200 yards from where I picked him up.
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I was near "downtown" on our big barrier island which has 2 Circle K's (yes 2) on opposite corners.

I see the janitor from my kid's school standing all by himself hitching in my direction so I stop and tell him to get in.

He got in and is getting settled and the back doors of my truck open and a bunch of other dudes start piling in aggressively and shut the doors before I can even say "WTF".

He vouches for them so we all roll down the highway and they all want to go to the rural bar (juke joint) just past school.

It was a silly impromptu clown car scenario but the thing that gets me to this day is 2 of the 3 guys in the back were sitting in my boys car seats.