Pick Your 2 Weeks in September


May 26, 2017
So theoretically, I mean asking for a friend, if you drew a 10+ point archery tag in Colorado what 2 weeks would you hunt in 2019?

- I'm planning for 80 hours of PTO.
- Willing to make two trips (10 hour drive to unit).
- 90% sure I want to be in the woods the last week.
- Might be hunting solo or with less experienced help. (My regular hunting partners had a good draw year too)
- Muzzy dates: 9/14 - 9/22
- Full moon: 9/14

Thanks in advance for your help, consideration, and jealousy!


Jun 6, 2012
Anytime is a good time. it's just my opinion but I don't think you can get around the week of muzzy being one of the best weeks for bugling. If you already know that you want the last week, I'd plan for a continuous 2 week hunt from 14th to 29th. If it's a 10+ pp unit, I wouldn't expect the pressure that can be found in OTC archery and muzzy combined.
Jul 18, 2015
I personally would plan to split it up and make two trips. I've done two full weeks in the backcountry and it can wear on you, especially if you're solo. That would leave your options as either 1st and 3rd week, 1st and 4th week, or 2nd and 4th week. If you prefer to keep it as one trip then I would do anything besides the first two weeks of the season.
Jan 17, 2017
I wouldn’t get too hung up on the moon phases but for me the sweet spot has been from the 15th-20th. Keep an eye on the weather over the summer/leading up to the hunt rather than what the moon is doing as the weather has a lot more effect on them(precipitation, drought, fires, logging, etc). I hope to see your post this fall of a big bull on the ground, good luck!

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Apr 26, 2019
I’ve been chasing elk for 15+years and I still ask this question year to year.. First of all I try to take off work as much as one can at least two weeks, if you can afford it plan for more time off and if you get one early you can get back to work.. With that being said I hunt CO OTC unit and it’s busiest the first and last week... I personally think they are the best weeks, I like the first week bc I can get there a couple days early and check my cams I put up in the summer and catch one the first day or two before they get all spooked up. Of coarse the last week is good for the bugling if they haven’t had a ton of pressure... I always check the moon, I will avoid the full moon if at all possible.. I wouldn’t necessarily think there won’t be pressure in a 10pt area you might be sadly disappointed.. i like the two different trip idea first and fourth week... pre-scout this summer and know the area and be in shape.. Good luck!


Sep 5, 2017
Some good feedback here. You need to answer a couple questions though before this can be properly discussed. The first two things I would ask:

What kind of shape are you in and what elevation do you live at? Looks close to sea level (OK) and if you had ten points, you are at least in your 20s. With that said, I would probably lean toward splitting the trip up.

Second, you don't seem to want to tell us what unit you drew, so I would ask:

Percentage of Public Land?
How many other Archery Tags for Unit?
How many Muzzleloader tags?

Are you car camping? Hunting off your back? Will you be going solo?

If I had to make an uninformed decision, I would say First and Last. Moon phase matters, as does weather. First week can be a good time to catch a big bull that has not seen people all summer.
Jul 18, 2015
Unit 76 ... I'll be holding out for a good one.

How good are we talking? 76 is a great hunting experience but it is definitely not known for really big elk. Bryce Deforest hunted it a few years back, if you haven't read about it here's his write ups:


An excerpt from Bryce:
"If you are looking for a 280-300 class bull then 76 is a great place to go."

Make no mistake a 280 bull is a great bull, though. If it were me I would shoot the first bull of that size I see with archery equipment. I'll be right across the divide from you this year doing the same thing.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Feb 24, 2012
Kun Lunn, Iceland
would break into two trips so you are fresh on both ventures....plan one around the 20th as that tends to be the crazy time for bugling in most areas and the most interactive fun....good luck

[email protected]

May 4, 2018
If I was willing to make 2 trips I’d hunt the first week before they get smart and the last week as they start getting rut drunk. I’ll be in the elk woods the first 5 days of season then if I don’t fill I’ll be back the first 7 days of the muzzleloader season if I still don’t fill I’ll be back for the last 5 days of the season but that’s just because that’s when my scheduled days off happen to fall without having to take any vacation time.
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Nov 28, 2017
The last two seasons I’ve broken my season into two trips (and plan to do so moving forward) and have killed on the second day of the second trip each time. Two trips helps a lot at home and the office over being gone straight through. The break allows my body to heal and I go into the second week much stronger and more focused. The time at home also allows you to pour over maps and work on strategy. You also have a better chance of catching decent weather. You can make minor equipment adjustments and the change in diet helps. If you are willing to drive straight through you pick up a few extra days in the woods adding an additional weekend.

The biggest negative is making the 17hr drive 4x.

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Feb 27, 2012
Tijeras NM
Thanks for all the comments so far - I appreciate it. I didn't initially want to turn this into a specific unit discussion but we can - unit 76. I've hunted OTC for years but from what I hear there are some huge differences between that and a tag like this.

Couple more answers:
- Unit 76 - steep, high, and nasty. Quite a bit of beetle kill and burn.
- I live in Oklahoma, mid-30s, I'll be in great elk killing shape.
- I've killed a number of raghorns and a couple decent 6s. But I'll be holding out for a good one.
- Setting cameras and a 3 day scouting trip in July.
- My plan right now is mostly car camping. Without having hunted the unit ever I think being mobile makes the most sense?! I've done bivy and straight backcountry before but not sure if that will be needed here or not. I'll have everything with me for those scenarios.
- My usual partners have drawn some good tags and if they tag out I might have help, but still a lot of uncertainty there.

I think the wet year and a week later season should make for good elk hunting for everyone. Thanks for your comments!

Like your idea of truck camp and staying mobile. I will be doing the same in CO. Sometimes it's easier and faster to drive around the mountain, than hike over it ;)


Feb 26, 2018
Personally we plan our big trips around the lunar cycle every year. Found that we can get into elk everytime and have them respond somewhat easier. Might just be us or a coincidence. This season the new moon will start the 3rd of September which is somewhat not what we would like, we feel the rut wont be in full swing till about the 15th so we will go the last quarter which will start the 25th and we will go through the end of the month. We live close enough so we will go out all of labor day weekend 30th-4th then every weekend and then the big trip using our pto for 25th-30th. We're no experts and take my advice if youd like. Just what has worked for us.
Aug 25, 2016
If you are interested I found a area that was literally torn up from bulls in 76. I have a buddy that has a cabin in the area and you can’t go in the mountains as a hunter and not scout it out. Send me a message with your email address and I will happily send you the location on Google earth. I will never have the points to draw the area. We saw a absolute monster bull. First place I would go if I drew 76. Go early before the season and set out game cameras. If you kill a monster maybe you can send me some jerky!


Jun 12, 2019
I would try to stay flexible with some of you time that way if they are quite initially or there's a heat wave you can make the necessary adjustments