I don't think it will ever feel the same. Not worse, but a very slight reduction in mobility. A lot of it is in my head though. I am much more careful and a bit nervous walking on uneven ground. I use trekking poles many times, even whitetail hunting in rough country. Part of my head game is undoubtedly because, 2.5 months after the right ankle break and surgery, I had a total knee replacement on the left leg. So kind of a double wammy. That being said, I can do everything I used to be able to do before the break and knee replacement, minus I'm still working on leg strength on the knee replacement. Hiked 28.5 miles with a pack in Colorado this year over 4 days. No pain. No swelling. Just a tad more careful. The truth is, I was ecstatic with that! I feared I might have to hang it up out west. But I'm well on my way I feel.How are you feeling a year down the road? Trying to stay positive with it but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous
Need some cross hairs on that fella.
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Another from that day everything was right and no one in the area, bonus points