Photography- one photo a day

Came across this little guy today. Seemed a little early for ducklings and this guy was out on his own just cruising around. Not sure what his story is but he seemed to be making it on his own as best as he could.

Came across this little guy today. Seemed a little early for ducklings and this guy was out on his own just cruising around. Not sure what his story is but he seemed to be making it on his own as best as he could.


I saw a group of 6 yesterday as well

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^^^I'm not gonna like that at all. Not one bit. Farkin' creepy and wrong. There aren't many things in the world that I don't like but spiders, ticks and other creepy crawlies can just stay away :D

Snakes, scorpions and other crawlers don't bother me much but I'd rather deal with a bear in camp than a big spider in my tent, I hate those things. Noah coulda done us all a solid and left those pricks off the boat.

I'm totally cool with snakes, even had some as pets back in the day. I just hate how spiders and especially ticks can just creep up on you without warning. I at least respect spiders as they play a role in the ecosystem. Ticks can just be eradicated from the face of the earth as I don't think they have any ecological benefit at all.

Oh, guess I should post a pic, it is a photo thread at least.

This guy is just showing off.

Snakes, scorpions and other crawlers don't bother me much but I'd rather deal with a bear in camp than a big spider in my tent, I hate those things. Noah coulda done us all a solid and left those pricks off the boat.

I was laying on the ground inspecting a trailer out in the yard a few years ago, f'n spider dropped down off the frame and wedged itself between my eye and safety glasses. Drug myself out from under there, did the my face is on fire dance, threw my hard hat and glasses and stomped that thing into dust. I'm sure the office staff thought I'd lost my mind....
Did I mention I don't like spiders?

This is the kind that usually hang out under trailers and stuff and the ones I REALLY hate.
