Phone Apps?


Apr 5, 2012
I'm just starting to dip my toes into long range stuff and just looking to see what the preference is for phone apps. I have searched here and found a few, but apps change and update so often I figured I'd get the most current info.

Dont want to spend a bunch of money on an app since I'm just starting but I'm playing with different loads and guns so I need something that allows user input and not just off the shelf load data. There are freaking tons of apps out there and I dont want to weed through dozens when I'm sure the people here have a few very choice ones.

Also I use an android but my work phone is an iPhone. I'd rather it be from the play store than iTunes but it isnt required.
I use Strelok Pro and Applied Ballistics. I like the Strelok for my 3 gun stuff, and Applied Ballistics for all my long range stuff like my 6.5 and my 28 Nosler.

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I have the Applied Ballistics on my iphone for long range and have been very happy with it. The data has got me out past 1100 yards on steel targets with my 6.5 CM I tried a few other apps but their data was not as accurate for my rifle..
Thanks for all the input guys! I'm going to start playing with them over the next week since I'm on days off and can get out shooting now
Another vote for Shooter. Have used several of them mentioned and they all work great. Prefer Shooter for its options and user friendly.
I have just made the switch across to GeoBallistics and really happy with the feature sets. I like how comprehensive the bullet library is, including stepped BC's. It also can export a very useable print out drop chart.
I'll second GeoBallistics. I have the paid versions of Shooter and Strelok Pro but my favorite one to use is GB. The free version of GB only lets you configure one rifle so I just use it solely for my PRS rifle. The features of that app lend well to PRS/NRL sport. As far as I can tell, it has the full bullet library available even in the free version.

If you need to store data on more than one gun or load I'd go with Shooter or Strelok Pro. The main advantage of Strelok Pro is the reticle viewer where it'll show you the holdovers on target with your specific reticle. I do prefer the interface on Shooter though. I run all these on Android.
I’m going to have to check out the Geo Ballistics.

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Would these type of apps be more useful in competition settings rather than for on the go hunting? I can’t seem to find much information on these type of apps for hunting scenarios.