Peterson vs Alpha


May 19, 2024
Concord, NC
Looking to pick up a 6.5 CM rifle this year to use at the range and shoot steel with buddies out to 650yds (max distance on his farm)

Small rifles primers are way easier to get so I’m looking at SRP brass and have narrowed it down to Peterson and Alpha based on what’s easier to get locally.

I’ve always shot and used Peterson but have heard good things about Alpha. Not worried about price since both will be very close in price for 100pc of brass, but the Peterson would be a little cheaper. It’s not enough for me to worry about if Alpha is that much better.

Is Alpha that much better than Peterson?

Which would be a better choice?
In the prs world alpha is the number 1 choice by far for brass 2nd is lapua and 3rd in peterson and peterson is becoming more popular
you will not see much of a difference for the kind of shooting you describe
I shoot them both and haven't seen a difference yet in group sizes or velocity SDs. Granted I've only got 4 firings on my Peterson and 3 on my alpha, and they're in different rifles. I also don't anneal. I imagine they'll both have great brass life. Maybe at some point I'll take a single piece of each and see how many firings I can get and document changes along the way
Don't forget Lapua SRP. Mine are going strong on 8 firings. My 6mm dasher with alpha brass is on its 8th firing also. I don't think a guy can go wrong with either.
I would buy what ever you can get the best deal on. Both are quality IMO.

After the recent Brownells sale I have went team Peterson. The price was too good to pass. I've been shooting their brass in my hunting rifle now and loving it.
I’ll never buy Peterson again. I bought 250 6.5cm and they all were head sized .015 short. I reached out to them and crickets after the first response. I had probably 2/10 failure to fires while trying to fireform.

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I thought I read something somewhere that Alpha used a regular size flash hole. Any truth to that?

With the smaller sized flash hole on the Peterson, I am guessing I will need a smaller decapping pin since I refer to de-prime separately.
I thought I read something somewhere that Alpha used a regular size flash hole. Any truth to that?

With the smaller sized flash hole on the Peterson, I am guessing I will need a smaller decapping pin since I refer to de-prime separately.

Yes Alpha uses a standard size flash hole on most if not all their brass.

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I bought a 100 pack of alpha brass in 7mm-08 and it was so soft that simple chamfer and deburr for a couple of seconds on the case prep station was causing the case mouths to bulge. I contacted alpha with pics and they suggested I was holding the brass down too hard. I’ve never seen this with win, Nosler, starline, Peterson, or lapua. Then they said I shouldn’t have to do that anyway to brand new brass. I tossed them and will never buy alpha again
I have peterson, lapua and adg. I find the peterson to be every bit as good as the rest. I run standard decapper pins in 6xc and 300win with peterson and never had an issue. My current 6xc batch is on it's 6th loading with no aneal and no issues.
I run both alpha and lapua in my 6.5 creed and 6 dasher PRS rigs. Both perform awesome and will give 10+ firings if annealed and not oversized. I did do some some small sample size comparison between the two brands for my dasher and found the alpha to be more weight consistent (it’s nearly perfect from case to case) but that being said I’m not sure you’d ever shoot the distance.

Once into the double digit firings I have started to see some cracked necks on lapua where as alpha with equal or more firings have not had the same issue. Neither brand has had any loose primer pockets. I should also note I run on the mild side of pressure so that will contribute to longer brass life.

Long winded way to say both are great but if the option is available I go Alpha every time for a few reasons. Aside from the above noted performance success I’ve had questions about the brass and messaged Tom and within an hour he’s responded back and was happy to share info and support his product….. Outstanding customer support to say the least!