Patagonia now selling venison


Super Moderator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2012
Lowman, Idaho

Patagonia now selling food.

Looks like a glorified Slim Jim for Tesla owners. Sausage made without fat sounds like a dry crumbling mess waiting to happen. Hard pass.

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Excellent. We should help them organize a grizzly bear welfare check event, in which volunteers go out and make sure the bears are ok and not being harmed by anything else on the landscape. No firearms or bear spray because that stuff is dangerous, and we wouldn’t want any bears to get hurt. I have a few OnX pins I can share for the cause.
Bag on Patagonia all you want, but that venison comes from Maui Nui which is actual a pretty cool operation. I’m not saying I buy their stuff, I’m saying I wish I got in on that business plan first.
Patagonia Provisions has been a thing for at least 8 years. When Id rip my waders the Denver store would just give a gift card to buy new ones online, but they'd do the refund with Denver's 8% tax, and I lived in a 2.9% tax. So when I'd go online to order the replacement pair I'd have an extra $40 to get some smoked salmon.

Patagonia now selling food.


I started using Patagonia 30 years ago when I started hiking. I don’t love their politics but some of their gear is pretty good. I would also say their warranty is pretty solid. They did a recall on a 4 year old sun shirt and sent me a brand new one. They also warrantied a set of rain gear that fell apart after 10 years.

that venison operations looks pretty solid. I wont be buying but I am not opposed to the idea.

I still say that I am a big tent guy. I will happily share the woods with some filthy, Patagonia clad hippies, as long as it means we have more voices and votes standing up for wild places. We will not find alignment on all things and we can fight amongst ourselves whose jerky is more humane while we share their weed and my whiskey by fire light.