Passing up smaller bulls

Welcome to Rokslide, MTNRCHR.

I take it you are a trophy hunter. I am much the same myself. As I mentioned earlier I tend to pass small bulls, although I have occasionally wandered from that guideline. However, some meat hunters prefer young bulls because they (usually) provide more meat than cows, and do a little better job filling the freezer.
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Thanks - great site. I do see your point but a BIG bull does a great job filling the freezer as well.
In my Utah general area any elk is fair game. Now if i have a hard to draw coveted tag I'll pass up smaller bulls until the right one shows up. Remember any elk with a bow is trophy.
In my Utah general area any elk is fair game. Now if i have a hard to draw coveted tag I'll pass up smaller bulls until the right one shows up. Remember any elk with a bow is trophy.

I feel the same about Utah general archery elk. Any animal taken with a bow is a trophy. However I'll focus on the biggest animal I've scouted or seen.
Hey new to the site, anyway I'm new to elk hunting( only two seasons), and shot my first last year, a big cow, with a rifle. I am very excited to get one with my bow this year, so just about any elk will do for me, but after I get that first bull I will definently be more picky and would rather take a cow than a small bull
The last time I hunted MT I passed up numerous bulls because they were responding to calls so good. One to include a 330 bull. My greed got the best of me and they quit bugling and coming to calls the 6th day of my hunt. I went home empty handed and returned later in the season to fill my tag with a cow on the last day of my hunt. I guess you will never kill the big ones by shooting the smaller ones but often times you will go home empty handed with that thinking!
I have had the priviledge of hunting in some great places in Wyoming, Utah and Nevada where the elk were not pressured. In Wyoming, we saw a legitimate 380 bull but could not get to him as we were new to the area. My brother shot a 340 bull on that trip. In Utah, I saw bulls with cows that would not respond to calls in the 320-360 range. I shot a nice bull on the last day of the hunt. I drew a great tag in Nevada last year and we saw at least 60 bulls in a week (during November). The unit I was on has legitimate 375+ bulls and that is what we were looking for unless I saw something else that I liked. We saw some big bulls that either passed on ones that we didn't like, were busted up or didn't have a shot at. I shot a bull that I liked on the last day of the hunt. All of the hunting in Nevada was on public land and on ranches in Wyoming and Utah. These hunts were all fun and enjoyable as I liked the people I was hunting with and would hunt with them again. Do I want to shot a big one? For sure. Hopefuly a draw one of the great Wyoming, Utah, Montana or Arizona tags soon and chase a big one. Have I passed up something and wish I would have shot it later? Not in the long run. I love elk hunting and my wife and scared that the mounts with overtake the house, so I have to be picky. I love elk meat, but my family is in the cattle business so I have many contacts in the western states and also enjoy beef, just lesser amounts than I used to.

If you want to kill a big one (which is all based on your expectations), you can't shoot a small one first. If your priority is meat, the likelihood of shooting a big one is going to drop as you are probably more concerned about the meat than the antler size. I have done other hunts where the access to elk hasn't there. I still enjoyed the hunts, but they didn't have the thrill of seeing the elk in shooting range and deciding whether to shoot or not.
You can't shoot any big bulls if you keep shooting the small ones. If you want to fill the freezer shoot a cow!

Like this...? :)

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I may or may not pass on a spike. Any branched bull be it a rag 4 or a big six will not get a pass.

Now if I drew a tag where I knew I had a chance at killing an exceptional bull I will most definitely pass on smaller bulls.
I killed a lot of rag born bulls when I was a kid. I now will only shoot a good mature bull or a cow. I am also blessed to live in Colorado where I can get a either sex or bull tag plus an archery cow tag. Just my way of doing things, to each his own. I agree with the "any elk with a bow is a trophy" I just don't like shooting small bulls any more.
Another reason for me is the extension of hunting if you have the time to hunt. If i take the first elk I see on opening day my hunt is over. If I pass I get to hunt longer and potentially have more exciting encounters. I am not down playing cows or small bulls . I agree that any elk with a bow is a trophy. Just holding out for bigger bulls if I have the time to hunt is more of a challenge for me and also an excuse to spend more time in the field.
I was telling ElkNut1 [Paul] on the phone last night about the area I hunt elk.
It is called the 'Never Summer Range' and named quite appropriately.
There are many cows in the OTC GMU and with that come many raghorns.
The big boys are sparse.

The area is quite popular and is located close to the continental divide and private land.
During the ML season there are many hunters and that disrupts the bugling and elk patterns.
The last week of season snow is very likely and the elk become non-existent fast.

We hunt before ML season.
Last year I called in over 40 elk in 10 days.
We went 3 for 3.

We make the choice to hunt hard, have fun, and shoot what we want.

Passing on elk is a choice each of us can make... but I can guarantee you that no one has more fun than we do... :)
What an age old debate :) But I have to agree with MTNRCHR...."IF YOU WANT TO FILL THE FREEZER SHOOT A COW". I love hunting Trophy Class animals WHEN I CAN and would rather fill my either sex tag on a cow than on a younger bull.

NOW THAT IS ME....HOWEVER...its hard knowing that in many of the areas I hunt the next hunter he runs in to is going to drop in if its a legal bull no matter the size. But I like to harvest mature animals and will therefore let what I believe to be a younger animal walk in the hopes that he gets some age and size.

BUT I did have my sights set on a 5X3 this year with a 15" CLUB on him right side!!! :) WOW factor ;)
YES!! Shooting a cow rather than a young bull is something that I wish everyone would do if they have an either sex tag! This is something that I have practiced numerous times....Just imagine.....
Wow I'm surprised at how many selective elk hunters there are here on Rokslide. It's a different vibe than the other western forum that I frequent.

Imagine if Colorado changed the 4 point restriction to a 5 point restriction??? All those raggy 4s would live another year. Depending on precipitation and various other factors in the high country. If the genetics are there in one year he could go from a rag 4 to a small 6. I would rather harvest a small 6 any day.

When I hunt for meat I hunt cows/does. If I am set on a bull/buck I have a picture in my mind of what I PERSONALLY want or will accept. To each his own. You have some nice animals and I applaud your success.

I also personally believe that a better way to control a herd population is to harvest cows/does.

Congrats on going 3 for 3!!!! That is NEVER an easy task especially in a heavily pressured area thats awesome!!!

Imagine if Colorado changed some OTC units to a cow/spike application and a branch antlered bull draw.
That way meat hunters can fill their tag, and 'horn hunters' can experience some more/better opportunities.

This would apply to rifle hunters too. Wouldnt take too long to see a big difference and also take some pressure off
Pref Point Creep

Montana does this in a few units.
I'll chime in. I live in Arkansas and have been to Colorado 3 times. 2 on rifle hunts and 1 on a bow hunt. I have yet to kill a bull or a cow. I couldn't kill a cow on any of the hunts because the tag was a bull only tag. I'm going to Colorado again this year and feel more confident about this new place we are hunting. This will be my 4th season. If it's legal, I won't be selective. I have to weigh the time and effort of all the trips I have put in versus being selective. I can't wait to kill my first elk.

Now, if I was resident in tune may change because I would be able to bow hunt the majority of the season.