

Apr 15, 2024
Looking for a female hunting partner to deer and hog hunt in North Louisiana. Just getting to hard by myself and could use the company. If you just starting to hunt i am willing to show the ropes and i have rifles for you to use.
Ahh shame, I am in North Missouri, would've loved to join. Hope you find someone!
Yea hard to find a site to find a female hunting and fishing partner. Look i am 66 years old getting hard to do things on my own like i use to and the injurys from Marines do not help. But i hope people wont put there mind in the gutter about the post. There is not a person i know of that would not rather talk to a women than a man. I also go elk,bear and buffalo hunting alone. The few male friends i have still around only want to go and drink beer all day and mess around. I do not drink or smoke. I Have a basscat boat i fish in around houma and i fish black lake.
I bet you are.
For peoples information that have there mind in the gutter. i been married for 44 years to a good women Who i love who is very religous and trust me I have 3 kids 2 grand daughters 3 great grand kids. My wife does not hunt or fish. We use to ride harleys together she only came trapping and gator hunting whith me. So she knows i am looking for a hunting partner and that is it. Tired of bringing drunks that think it is a beer camp and not a deer camp.