Paradox Packs

I have the 6300 but only used it on the bear half. I used the day talon on the deer compressed to the frame. I really like this pack but if you can I would try to check out both companies you mentioned and see what you like best. Colorado road trip! I believe kifaru is still having a sale on OD green stuff and a standard timberline with aluminum stays was something crazy like 460. If you can't check both companies out then definitely wait for the review. Also...... lots of stuff comes up for sale around the end of november into december as husbands are scrambing after hunting season to get christmas presents.
So, I finally got a weekend with this pack. Took my 10 yr old out and we filled an Atlerless Elk tag.

I like the pack quite a bit so far. Had 60-70 pounds of elk and gear in it for 6ish klicks and it carried really well. It compacts down really small for day pack use, while still having the capacity to pack out a kill.

The Xpack is definitely louder than Cordura in the cold... (And it was cold here last weekend!) Not that it affects ones ability to hunt with the pack on, just more 'crinkly' when packing/unpacking. Probably well worth it to have the waterproof capabilities of the fabric, IMO.

So far, I'd say thumbs up to this new pack, but need more time in it before saying 100%. We have another 5 day elk trip planned near the end of the month, that'll be a better test...
Thanks for the post Wrongside. I pulled the trigger on an Paradox pack with the 6300 multicam bag and day talon. I plan on using the 6300 to pack in my camp and hopefully packing meat on the way out along with my gear. I will use the frame and day talon when I hunt. Should have the pack a couple weeks before Xmas!!! I will post my thoughts after I've had a chance to put some miles on it. I plan on doing ruck marches with 80-100+ lbs at least once a week in addition to my Crossfit regimen.
Thanks for the post Wrongside. I pulled the trigger on an Paradox pack with the 6300 multicam bag and day talon. I plan on using the 6300 to pack in my camp and hopefully packing meat on the way out along with my gear. I will use the frame and day talon when I hunt. Should have the pack a couple weeks before Xmas!!! I will post my thoughts after I've had a chance to put some miles on it. I plan on doing ruck marches with 80-100+ lbs at least once a week in addition to my Crossfit regimen.

Sorry our phone tag didn't work out man! Congrats on the new pack...they are a very nice setup, I'm sure you won't be disappointed.
Thanks for the post Wrongside. I pulled the trigger on an Paradox pack with the 6300 multicam bag and day talon. I plan on using the 6300 to pack in my camp and hopefully packing meat on the way out along with my gear. I will use the frame and day talon when I hunt. Should have the pack a couple weeks before Xmas!!! I will post my thoughts after I've had a chance to put some miles on it. I plan on doing ruck marches with 80-100+ lbs at least once a week in addition to my Crossfit regimen.

Good stuff. Please post your thoughts once you've had some time in it.

I will be taking it out for one more trip, 5 days starting this Saturday. We are taking horses and spiking out of a large tipi camp this time, so it won't neseccarily be a huge test for a pack, but ya never know... ;) It'll probably be my last trip with it, before turning it over to another local guy.
Good stuff. Please post your thoughts once you've had some time in it.

I will be taking it out for one more trip, 5 days starting this Saturday. We are taking horses and spiking out of a large tipi camp this time, so it won't neseccarily be a huge test for a pack, but ya never know... ;) It'll probably be my last trip with it, before turning it over to another local guy.

I didn't get lots of time with that pack but from what I saw I liked. Seemed well made and quite comfortable. Some more time with it properly adjusted would be nice.

In the saddle it was great as the frame rested on the cantle and took all the load from my shoulders, LOL! I know, I cheated but I will take that anytime if I can, my knees were happy as well Haha...

Haha! Nice! That looks like some miserable weather... ;)

I absolutely detest riding with one, but how a backpack rides in a saddle CAN be a important consideration...
My Dad shot a nice whitetail buck yesterday evening and the devil chose to die in a nasty spot. I brought him out this morning on the Paradox. 156 lbs all up.

My Dad shot a nice whitetail buck yesterday evening and the devil chose to die in a nasty spot. I brought him out this morning on the Paradox. 156 lbs all up.


Well played sir, well played indeed

So, is there no support under the deer, just compression? Any issues with it wanting to slide down?
Paradox has a load shelf, not sure where it is on the picture.

I thought it did which seemed odd. Aside from rigor in the legs, it would seem that the deer would eventually work its way down the way it appears to be loaded in the photo. Hopefully he can chime in with more info.

You should have put the deer in a garbage bag.. Just saying... : )

LOL! Absolutely! That pack is going to be covered in hair... :)

Two more prime examples for a "Thanks", "Like" or whatever button.
Hair, blood, and good pictures simply flesh out the character of the hunt. How else will we tell the stories!? I agree, we need a like button, both comments made me laught.
I have the Evo frame and 4800 multicam bag with Base Talon. The material is noisier than cordura, but to have something waterproof or resistant, that's something you have to consider. The thing I like best about this setup is the adjustable frame height. I can't stand anything behind my head if I can help it. With the 4" frame extensions out, it still provides decent lift while also keeping stuff from behind my head. I can use it in this mode for most all but the heaviest of loads. Actually I could use it this way for all loads, but the 4" extensions help with heavy loads (100+).

The way I have it figured, 95% of the pack use will be for lighter loads (packing camp etc in, out, and around, and day-hunting). Then when I need to pack meat out, I can add the extensions back in quickly and start hauling. That way I keep the stuff behind my head to a minimum while hunting and hauling camp around. If I'm hauling meat out.........I don't care quite as much if there's something behind me head.:)
I have the Evo frame and 4800 multicam bag with Base Talon. The material is noisier than cordura, but to have something waterproof or resistant, that's something you have to consider. The thing I like best about this setup is the adjustable frame height. I can't stand anything behind my head if I can help it. With the 4" frame extensions out, it still provides decent lift while also keeping stuff from behind my head. I can use it in this mode for most all but the heaviest of loads. Actually I could use it this way for all loads, but the 4" extensions help with heavy loads (100+).

The way I have it figured, 95% of the pack use will be for lighter loads (packing camp etc in, out, and around, and day-hunting). Then when I need to pack meat out, I can add the extensions back in quickly and start hauling. That way I keep the stuff behind my head to a minimum while hunting and hauling camp around. If I'm hauling meat out.........I don't care quite as much if there's something behind me head.:)

If it's antlers then it makes it a lot easier.....
How do you guys use a hydration bladder with the packbag? One of their videos mentions that it can be placed between the frame and the packbag. I understand it can also be placed in the day or base talon. What has worked the best. Have there been any issues using a large bladder? I use the Platy big zip 3 liter and wonder how it would work with the paradox system.