Packing meat question

Everytime I've used these trash compactor bags (be sure to get the unscented ones btw ;) ) they have leaked. Not sure what I'm doing wrong but now that I use silnylon dry sacks its a non-issue and they are reuseable and actually lighter than the trash compactor bags and they do not leak at all. For $7-8 per bag they are quite the bargain.

Which bags are you using luke? Outdoor Research? Sea to Summit?
You submerge them and have no problems with them leaking? I'd love to carry a couple of those instead of a garbage bag. I guess I'll have to give them a test run in the tub.
I dont think that getting the meat wet (i.e. from a compactor bag that leaked a little while the meats in the creek) is the end of the world, but it will make a little more work for you. Getting meat wet happens to float hunters all the time, and Larry Bartlett specifically talks about it in some of his hunting and meat care videos. The biggest thing is making sure you can get good air circulation and let it dry it out once you are off the river/out of the water. If its going to be very long, having a dry set of game bags to put the meat into helps too.