3000 for 10 days is “not horrible”?3k vs housing, feeding, training, equipping, vet stuff and original purchase price. Split the 3k up between the party and it’s not horrible
Bud of mine rented 4 while in Wyoming this year, 3k for 10 days. This also included a trailer.
Let me separate the wheat from the chaff for ya...I've never owned either.
Holy buckets...Well..sounds bout like everything else right now...Let me separate the wheat from the chaff for ya...
Right now the llama market is as favourable to the seller as I have seen in 30 yrs of doing this. I called up a guy who sold a bunch at $4500-5500 and congratulated him for hitting such a great market peak with llamas ready to go to sales. The next spring they were a $1000 or so higher yet. It's a market, good luck on your prediction endeavours. My girls @ $2000-3500 are probably on the low side of their worth, at least that was my intention, but I want to sell them, not talk about selling them.
15 yrs ago llamas were free to a bad home, I grabbed a pasture full. Apparently others did not.