Pack list for drop camp hunt?

Jan 29, 2013
Wondering if anyone would like to share their gear list for a fly in drop camp hunt for caribou in AK?

Weight limit of 50#, factoring in food IDK how it's possible! I know it's been done on numerous occasions, wondering what all you take with you.

If you'd prefer, feel free to message me if you'd rather not share publicly- I appreciate it!

Looking into a '26 drop camp hunt, possibly solo but I have a buddy that may be interested.
What's your gear list look like now? You need to go through your stuff and figure out what is absolutely going, what are luxury items that may or may not go and what is obviously to heavy and is being left behind or replaced with something lighter.
Going to have to figure out a new tent option, I have a fairly lightweight Shires Stratospire tent-just wasn’t big enough for the 2 of us on our Colorado hunt.

I would REALLY like to get a tipi style tent with a stove to be able to warm up & dry off, but that’s close to 20% of the weight limit for one person just on a place to sleep. Just not seeing how it’s possible I guess
Have you ever gone on many backpack hunts? You have to pack for this trip the same as a sheep hunt or a high country mulie hunt gear wise. As stated above the easiest solution is convince your partner to go cause it cuts your portion of base camp in half on the weight limit.

I personally find these situations to post up your preliminary list of what you already have/plan to buy and ask for a critique of how to shave weight rather than to see a list of someone else’s gear that you may or may not have a single item on the list.
Never really done this type of hunt. When I lived in MT & elk hunted we primarily used a base camp.

Did hunt in CO last year for mulies but we moved around quite a bit & packed out from the truck.

I’ll get a google spreadsheet together & list everything I have.

Need to get a scale looks like!
Find out if your rifle, binos, what you wear and what is in your pockets counts. That can make a big difference. I’m not saying to have stuff hanging off you everywhere, but having your gun and bino harness not count, knife and a box of bullets in your pocket, etc can make a big difference. .
SO Redcliff and a titanium stove. Wear all your clothes except an extra pair of socks and underwear. Hope your rifle doesn’t go towards the 50lbs. Lightweight down bag and pad and the rest food.
SO Redcliff and a titanium stove. Wear all your clothes except an extra pair of socks and underwear. Hope your rifle doesn’t go towards the 50lbs. Lightweight down bag and pad and the rest food.
Do you have their regular stove or the u-turn?

I think I’d be able to stand up in the Redcliff but just barely. I’d be about 6’2” with boots on
Find out if your rifle, binos, what you wear and what is in your pockets counts. That can make a big difference. I’m not saying to have stuff hanging off you everywhere, but having your gun and bino harness not count, knife and a box of bullets in your pocket, etc can make a big difference. .
Different drop outfit I found just has a 750# limit for 2 guys (includes body weight) & that is significantly more doable. Would still be in a prime area so that’s the route I’m going looks like
As a few folks have said already, splitting gear with someone else is the ticket. Single tent, single cook stove, single water filter, single spotter (I really don’t think you need one for caribou, but they’re fun to have). On most of my hunts, food can easily weigh 20lbs alone. Food is always my biggest weight penalty, but don’t skimp on it. The stove and tipi is an awesome option but depending on where you hunt, finding wood to actually burn can be a huge challenge. If you can find a way to fit a small Helinox style chair, you will be grateful to have it on the trip.
You probably don't want my gear list. Our group of 4 last fall split the cost of an additional 200# gear load. It was $1,700 split 4 ways, but will worth it in my mind to have a comfortable camp with 2 tipi tents, wood stove, chairs & cots. Hunting AK is expensive no matter how you slice it. The extra money for a gear load is well worth it IMO.
Never really done this type of hunt. When I lived in MT & elk hunted we primarily used a base camp.

Did hunt in CO last year for mulies but we moved around quite a bit & packed out from the truck.

I’ll get a google spreadsheet together & list everything I have.

Need to get a scale looks like!

I’m in a similar situation so thanks for posting this. Planning for a 2027 caribou drop camp. The Exo Mtn Gear guys just did one of these hunts and they’re typically pretty open to sharing gear lists. They’d either post it or if you email Mark he’d probably share his spreadsheet.

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