Pack help

I hunted the Maine big woods for years. But plan on that 265lb (dressed) deer.
If I was going back I would run a Kuiu 1850. Its is a very well thought out pack, very skinny. If too small you can go up a size with little penalty in perceived bulk. I love mine its all I need for day hunting elk under any conditions and knowing Maine woods like I do would be stellar in that application. Fabric not quiet however.

Tried on a kuiu and the shoulder straps are too thick.

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Kifaru nomad and a grab it. As versatile as it gets. Sucks down super tight for day hunts. No quality pack is going to be whitetail quiet in my honest opinion. You can either have a quiet pack that is crap. Or a little louder pack that would haul that deer and the kitchen sink out with no problem, and also not fall apart from a little hard use.

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I don't think you will find a "quality" pack with the straps you wants. Honest opinion.

You could try a Eberlestock with their thinner straps, but that's about all I can think of. Past that, my advice would be get used to shooting a little bit of a thicker strap. It's not like any quality pack being talked about has super thick straps. I can take a quick shot with my Kifaru if need be. But again, not quiet in the brush.

Other than that issue, I would say Kifaru frame with only a Guide Lid and a Grab It. No pack. The Guide Lid will hold more than your fanny pack. Then you strap the meat in game bags onto the frame with straps and the Grab It and lid holding it all in. Shoot you could even roll the Grab It up and put it in the lid until needed when you shot something. Then the only thing you are trying to keep out of brush is the small footprint of the Guide Lid. Or run just the Grab It, normal lid and straps for meat and run a Hill People Gear Kit bag for your gear. It would probably be comparable to your fanny pack for space.

As far as you not hearing of HPG, they are a known company for their Kit Bag especially. That's what those two brothers are known for. Call them up. I've had them have to pull over to answer my call but they do it and placed my order when they got back. I really like my kit bag. It's just a small company rolling out quality products. 1200 ci. Check out the picture of the dude wearing his as a backpack with the straps that are included with it for an idea of size. When I say as much room as a fanny pack, there are three compartments to a Kit Bag so that would be with each one expanded out. These pictures don't have them expanded out.
How is the material on the umlindi quite when it touches brush?

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I use it with no issues. Hard to say what is noisy to me might not be to someone else. I don't sweat noise my self so much because I wanted a very durable bag for what I do day hunting here and out west. I like the fact with my Umlindi that i can haul out a first load without issue. I find the shoulder straps to work well for me. I don't use a gunbearer or anything like that any more because I found my self off balance a lot.

I don't think you will find a "quality" pack with the straps you wants. Honest opinion.

You could try a Eberlestock with their thinner straps, but that's about all I can think of. Past that, my advice would be get used to shooting a little bit of a thicker strap. It's not like any quality pack being talked about has super thick straps. I can take a quick shot with my Kifaru if need be. But again, not quiet in the brush.

Other than that issue, I would say Kifaru frame with only a Guide Lid and a Grab It. No pack. The Guide Lid will hold more than your fanny pack. Then you strap the meat in game bags onto the frame with straps and the Grab It and lid holding it all in. Shoot you could even roll the Grab It up and put it in the lid until needed when you shot something. Then the only thing you are trying to keep out of brush is the small footprint of the Guide Lid. Or run just the Grab It, normal lid and straps for meat and run a Hill People Gear Kit bag for your gear. It would probably be comparable to your fanny pack for space.

As far as you not hearing of HPG, they are a known company for their Kit Bag especially. That's what those two brothers are known for. Call them up. I've had them have to pull over to answer my call but they do it and placed my order when they got back. I really like my kit bag. It's just a small company rolling out quality products. 1200 ci. Check out the picture of the dude wearing his as a backpack with the straps that are included with it for an idea of size. When I say as much room as a fanny pack, there are three compartments to a Kit Bag so that would be with each one expanded out. These pictures don't have them expanded out.

I will add to this, my hunting partner uses Eberlestock and is happy with his. I would say my Umlindi has the better pack straps, but again subjective.

As far as HPG Kit bag I have one and find I dont like it for hunting at all. Were it has shined for me is summer hiking with my kids and having a few things ultra handy. IE: handgun, wipes, handkerchief, gps , epi pen and snacks for my boys.

HPG is a high quality small company. They make excellent down to earth style stuff. Kifaru and Eberlestock are also jsut as good, but HPG fit my style best.
Same issue with thick shoulder straps.

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I've shot quite a few animals with my Kifaru pack on and it's never hindered my ability to get it done; most recently on a mule deer Friday afternoon 3.5 miles from my truck (which I then quartered and carried out in one trip like you're wanting to do). When the straps are adjusted properly they are no thicker than a heavy hunting coat and with a bit of practice aren't an issue when it comes down to shooting.

If a fanny pack works for you now, a Kifaru frame and a Sherman/Bane/Guide Lid (or other similar <1000 cu in bag) would work well. Use the extra compression straps and the bag to hold the meat tight to the frame; any extra strap webbing is held tight by adjusting the keeper straps. Just about any bag/frame (from any company) will be comfortable with no weight in it, good ones stand clear of the others when weight is added.
I recommend the Eberlestock X2. I have one and use it. It has a “shooters harness” for straps. It is very low profile in width and height. I find it quite usable and have packed out some quartered deer with it.

If you google it you will find many pics of people carrying elk quarters etc in it.

I don’t think any small, quiet pack is going to be able to take an entire deer unless you remove the bones too.

Just my opinion of course...
I would look at Hill people gear options- you can make it as as big or modular as you want. Sounds like you might not need a frame at all though.