Pack comparison - mountain laurel vs hyperlite

I am thinking about adding an ultra lite pack to the stable. It would replace my Metcalf as a backpacking rig and get used for scouting and select hunts where it would be suitable.

I have been doing research and am focusing on these two packs:

Mountain Laurel Designs Exodus 55L

Hyperlite Mountain Gear 3400

The MLD is crazy light but lacks any sort of frame or stays and is rated to 25#. the Hyperlite is 2.5#, has some stays and is rated to 40#.

Anyone owned / used one or both of these that offer thoughts?
I have a Hyperlite for sale
In classifieds
I have the HMG Porter 4400. While I wouldn't use it for mountain hunting, as I often end up with over a 100 lb pack, it is great for general backpacking, packrafting and scouting. I went on a 6 mile, 3,000 ft hike the other day with 40 lbs in it. The pack carried absolutely fine. I would recommend the 4400 over the 3400, as you quickly run out of room. The bag is alot narrower than the Stone Glacier Sky 5900 that I am used too. You can really suck the 440 down into a daypack when it is not full.
That’s the pack I’ve been looking at. I’ll probably go ahead and order one today.