Pa Big Woods Archery Success

Hammer PA public land buck. I have never hunted outside of 5B. I need to make the trip north sometime, it looks like some great hunting!!
Public land archer buck success says something about your skills son! GRATS!!!

P&Y public land mtn buck at that!!!!
Congrats on a great PA mountain buck! That's a cool story. I like the idea of camping out like that.

I live in 2G. We have some pretty good mountain bucks around here. If you are able to wrap your tag around one they are well earned.
Awesome buck, congrats! Even more special when it’s off public land and off of sign you scouted for and found yourself. That’s a great feeling as a deer hunter!
Congrats on your monster whitetail. My family has a cabin in 2G near Renova, it's beautiful country. My brother hunted behind the property this year but didn't see any buck just does. Looks like he needs to get away from the people more. I like your style of hunting.
Congrats! My Step Dad and Brother have a Hunting Club up there in 2G. I went for the opening rifle weekend with them this year. Awesome place to hunt!
You using a climber, stand and sticks, or saddle?

I hunt out of a saddle. I use a modified Hawk helium to one stick up the tree and then a platform when at height and then rappel down. I believe I was only at maybe 15’ for this hunt.
Hell yeah! Great deer. Not an easy task. Looks like you all have a great setup. Congratulations.
Man that's awesome! What a story. On it's own that's an awesome PA buck. But it's not just a buck. It's an archery, public land, 2G mountain buck! Hell yeah! That's a well earned deer.

Would love to hear more about your camping experience on state forest up there. That's my goal this coming year.