Over Priced Things That Shouldn't Be?

Ammunition - why is rifle ammunition so much more expensive than shotgun ammunition, when there are more components and a higher amount of material in shotgun shells, that are also heavier and cost more to ship?
Shot ammo is made by dropping molten lead (or whatever material) from a tower into coolant, then scraping up the results and stuffing it in a plastic case. The precision required for even very cheap rifle ammo is a lot higher. Gonna cost ya. The cost of rifle ammo is one reason why I reload.
Everyone's a free market economist until it's time to price at what the market will bear.
I'm not sure that "moron's with lots of money" was ever implemented into free market economics analysis like it would be today. I've never seen so many people able and willing to pay ridiculous prices on EVERYTHING. That in itself has reset what the free market is and will bear. That doesn't help the rest of us......or the pricing. We really do need some hard times in America to do a reset, and get out of bizarro world.
It's called the UAW. Every time they strike and get their major raises everything else follows.
Wages, vehicles and so forth.
But in doing so your does pay increase actually doesn't keep up with the cost of said items. $20 an hour sounds great but your rent went up, insurance, food. So are you really making more money?
Not really. You really need to shop smarter, look for deals, sales. Buy next years summer cloths in the fall. Fall hunting cloths in the spring and so forth.
Food is totally a different deal. Does driving 2 hours to better shopping cost less? Not too much unless you had to go that far for doctor's visit. You buy a months worth of food or more.

I am so glad that I bought most of the tools I need for life's projects over the past 30 years. If my garage burned down tomorrow, it would cost a $100,000 to replace everything that I likely have $30,000-$50,000 in.
Something’s are comparable at similar prices, but quality is the driving factor. You can’t tell me that a Tikka is the same quality as a Mossberg rifle, they may be able to do similar things, but they aren’t the same. I bought some Black Ovis puffy pants because they were so much cheaper, but they certainly aren’t the quality of Stone Glacier.
But a good woman? Priceless.
Agreed. My wife does her own hair, nails, doesn't buy a new wardrobe every decade, let alone every season. She is also an insanely valuable contributor to the household and the business we run together. Sure, when I want to build a $7k rifle, she asks for a freeze dryer or something else that is expensive enough to nearly double the cost of the rifle, but it is way better than the guys that complain about the bills for their wife/gf hair, nails, seasonal wardrobe purchases especially when my wife hears them talking about having more kids just so they don't have to go back to work. My wife killed the princess complexes with our daughters very early, so their future husbands will have it as good as me, or they will have created the problem on their own.
Shot ammo is made by dropping molten lead (or whatever material) from a tower into coolant, then scraping up the results and stuffing it in a plastic case. The precision required for even very cheap rifle ammo is a lot higher. Gonna cost ya. The cost of rifle ammo is one reason why I reload.
Not much shot is made using towers like Remington...most on a machine the size of a UPS truck. There is still A LOT that goes into shotshell manufacturing on a large scale with many different offerings compared to the guy that loads the same hull/wad/powder/primer/and shot that he has for 30 years as a trap shooter. More components that have to fit together. While precision I agree is not the same it is a lot more complicated than stuffing things into a plastic case and the problems that arise when done wrong can be just as bad as rifle.
It would be a much shorter list if one were asking, what isn't over priced. let men start, ZERO.
Hey, look on the bright side. When I go to the grocery store and spend $200 I can carry everything out to my truck now in a couple bags (that they now charge a fee for).
you gotta be sh*ttin me, WA charges you for BAGS?!