Outfitter Recommendations for Mountain Goat and Moose

Feb 12, 2023
I'm looking to do a mountain goat and moose hunt in 2024. Goat would be the primary animal.

I'm guessing I'd have to go to Canada for this combo.

I would appreciate if anyone can recommend an outfitter to use,.... or not use. There sure is a lot of outfitters offering goat hunts.


BC is probably your best bet. I can't recommend too many outfitters but can say you should be looking at outfits in the Hazelton, Skeena, Omineca and Cassiar mountains. Local guy Bob Milligan is one of the best for big goats but not a lot of moose. Love Brothers & Lee in the Upper Skeena and Omineca drainages would be good choice for good sized goats but much better for moose than the Terrace area. There probably are some other good guys but also some sheisters out there. Those two have a good reputation with us locals.

Fairly new owner of another local territory is Last Frontier Hunting. Don't know a lot about their reputation but at the same time haven't heard anything bad. Same deal as Milligan, big goats and a handful of moose.

Good luck in your search.
On my Stone hunt last fall at Stone and folding mountain I saw goats all over the place. If I was going goat hunting I would give them a shout
Sam Fejes with Fejes Guide Service outside of Cordova, Alaska does both moose and Mtn goats. Fly up to the glacier for Mtn goat and then hunt the marshy bottoms from the glacier/mtns out to the coast for moose.
I can recommend Love bros and Lee, I’ve hunted with them for moose. We saw lots of goats. It’s a pretty easy-going hunt, cabins, hot meals. Brenda is an amazing cook. Hot showers.
I'm looking to do a mountain goat and moose hunt in 2024. Goat would be the primary animal.

I'm guessing I'd have to go to Canada for this combo.

I would appreciate if anyone can recommend an outfitter to use,.... or not use. There sure is a lot of outfitters offering goat hunts.


PM sent
+1 for Golden Bear in northern BC

Greg and his son Blake Williams

Great people and great area for goats.

Big coastal type goats and nice moose for BC, and you can definitely combo moose and goats in their areas.

I did one season there, and so did my brother.
Might try Jim Lancaster with Nahanni Butte Outfitters in NWT. Very low pressure, great animals, and uses helicopters to get to drop off.
Talked to Blake and his wife at the SCI convention this weekend, said the warm weather slowed the moose action down this past season but said moose numbers were good. I don’t think they ever worry much about killing a good goat.
I'm looking to do a mountain goat and moose hunt in 2024. Goat would be the primary animal.

I'm guessing I'd have to go to Canada for this combo.

I would appreciate if anyone can recommend an outfitter to use,.... or not use. There sure is a lot of outfitters offering goat hunts.


Are there any outfitters that you've been researching or that have caught your eye? May be worth throwing some names out there to get some more specific input...
Go check out High Caliber Adventures up in BC. He runs a great outfit for goats and bears. He's on the pricey end but you will get a slammer Billy. Wolverine Range Outfitters is another great one. A little lower goat quality but nice moose. Very reasonably priced!
Check out Terminus Mountain. Probably the biggest Canadian moose you’ll find plus great goats. I hunted goats with them last year.
Looking at doing this hunt as well.

Gundahoo in BC is another option I didn’t see mentioned.
I'd second the Fejes Guide Service recommendation. He runs a top shelf outfit. I've been there twice for goat hunts. He has great goat hunting. Big Billie's (especially body, but horns as well). But he shoot some great moose as well. A friend of mine did a combo moose/goat hunt and was successful on both.
I'm looking to do a mountain goat and moose hunt in 2024. Goat would be the primary animal.

I'm guessing I'd have to go to Canada for this combo.

I would appreciate if anyone can recommend an outfitter to use,.... or not use. There sure is a lot of outfitters offering goat hunts.


OP who did you end up booking with?